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  1. G

    Heavier Trucks for our Highways?

    In Idaho and perhaps some of NW states, the maximum gross is 106,000 lbs. Main factor for determining the maximum vehicle weight in each states is the bridges.
  2. G

    Can someone please explain...

    If Amtrak reservation system only show up DC route, then that's the only way. If it shows several options, then AGR should have those, too. AGR follows what the main Amtrak reservation shows.
  3. G

    Longest stretch of running between stations

    I'm guessing between ABQ and Gallup on SWC is a long stretch without stopping.
  4. G

    Former transition car customers - did you like sleeping in this car

    I've stayed in transition car once from LAX to ABQ on SWC and it's fine with mee. It has fewer foot traffic. If you're a seasoned traveler in sleeper section, it shouldn't be a noticeable difference. For a first time sleeper, it would be a major disadvantage to them.
  5. G

    NJ Transit "Comet Cars" in California?

    Majority of CA cars have automatic doors. I'm scratching my head on why the former Comet cars are going to be installed with manual dutch style doors instead of automatic doors. Care to give us an explanation?
  6. G

    NJ Transit "Comet Cars" in California?

    What is "CTDX"?
  7. G

    AGR Enrollment Referral Requests

    I tried to seend you a referral but your email was already sent.
  8. G

    Stroller for a toddler?

    Yes, you're allowed to use stroller. You can stash it in the overhead bin which is much larger than airlines'.
  9. G

    Day trip to Boston from WIL

    I did following the Freedom Trail and it was very interesting. It takes about a day and a half to do that. I would recommend to start at Common Parks, where one of the "T" stations is.
  10. G

    Southwest Chief Re-Route?

    I did rode on RailRunner. Actually, Santa Fe station is not in the downtown area. It's on the edge but it's an easy walk to either downtown or the capitol, 10 - 20 minutes walk. It has public transportation right in front of station. It's a pretty scenic ride along the Rio Grande River and...
  11. G

    Southwest Chief Re-Route?

    It will most likely be relocated in 2016 if the line is not being rebuilt.
  12. G

    Southwest Chief Re-Route?

    In New Mexico, there are two areas which have single tracks. One is bridge that goes over Pecos River, in Ft Sumner. Other one is dirt filled flyover over UP tracks, west of Vaughn. It'll take a lot of dirt to make it wider. Latest double tracks expansion was in Abo Canyon which it was...
  13. G

    A Serious Request

    I'm sorry to hear that. I'm praying for you and your family for healing and strength.
  14. G

    Which Train has the most Padding?

    Southwest Chief usually arrives about an hour early into LAX.
  15. G

    EMY to San Francisco?

    I use that bus few days ago. As others posted it, it's a dedicated Amtrak bus service. It crossed over one of bay bridges which it's a pretty neat view, in contrast to BART beneath the bay at high rate of speed. I believe you'll get 100 AGR points for that! It's confirmed that I just got...
  16. G

    What's the Best Solution for 2 Seniors with Mobility Issues

    Hardest part is climbing to upper bunk bed. It's in cramp location. You could go for 2 roomettes on lower level.
  17. G

    "train status via text message"

    Text message- 401-268-7251. [station code] [train number].
  18. G

    I Can Not Add Another Person Onto My Existing Reservation!

    It's hit and miss with email for me. I usually received about 80% of emails from Amtrak reservation system. Don't know why it does. As long as you have reservation number, you can get ticket from staffed station or Quiktrak machine.
  19. G

    Time running out for the Badger?

    It's not the same ash as firewood ash. It's more like "sharp gravels".
  20. G

    Pacific Parlor Car Meals vs Dining Car Meals

    Plus, it has a strongest signal of Wi-Fi or you can do your homework on college style desk!