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  1. JoeBas

    How will TS Elsa affect the Silvers this week?

    Yup, on the current track (which has been very stable) the only places winds may approach 40 mph would be from north of Tampa inland through maybe Gainesville and Lake City, then back around to St. Marks, mainly on Wedensday. Gusts to 40 mph might be possible from there northward to the RIGHT...
  2. JoeBas

    How will TS Elsa affect the Silvers this week?

    Crescent will not be impacted.
  3. JoeBas

    How will TS Elsa affect the Silvers this week?

    To answer Penny's original question, wind should be below 40 miles an hour in all inland areas as the storm passes. However, knowing CSX, they never miss a chance to at least stick Amtrak, so there could be some delays/cancelations while the storm passes. But by Friday, it should be long...
  4. JoeBas

    How will TS Elsa affect the Silvers this week?

    Exactly, the hardest part of running a weather consultantcy is not predicting what the storm is going to do, it's predicting what NHC is going to do about the storm. LOL
  5. JoeBas

    Texas Eagle Sightseer lounge discontinued

    Americans are an exceptional people, and we will not allow ourselves to be beaten in this race to the bottom.
  6. JoeBas

    How to cheaply book a roommette from NYC -> Chicago?

    Pretty much. Want a cheap roomette fare? Step #1, build a time machine...
  7. JoeBas

    Covid Mask Mandate for Transportation

    I doubt it. Read past the headline.
  8. JoeBas

    Amtrak Fire at Beech Grove

    It's Beech Grove, not Rocky Flats... ... ...
  9. JoeBas

    Texas Eagle Sightseer lounge discontinued

    I just wish people would stop overreacting to the flowers on the dining tables going away...
  10. JoeBas

    Texas Eagle Sightseer lounge discontinued

    When did I start working for Amtrak??? :confused:
  11. JoeBas

    Why are subway tunnels lit, but railroad tunnels not?

    And I thought the 123 steps at Queensway London was deep down...
  12. JoeBas

    Roomette Table Size?

    Your stale plastic wrapped blueberry muffin and gogurt breakfast will look amazing... ;)
  13. JoeBas

    Sunday(14)/Monday(15) Texas Eagles Cancelled

    Need proof of what I'm saying abouy the natural gas? Benchmark price graph...
  14. JoeBas

    So many cancellations

    It's no longer cost effective to do things right.
  15. JoeBas

    Sunday(14)/Monday(15) Texas Eagles Cancelled

    Here's the background: ERCOT made their power generation forecast based on the expected weather, including full input from their wind, coal, nuclear and natural gas components (Solar isn't all that big here yet). Wind was slightly impacted from freezing turbines, and coal from the low...
  16. JoeBas

    Sunday(14)/Monday(15) Texas Eagles Cancelled

    Don't forget unchecked capitalism and greedy deregulated providers. They sure play their part too. ERCOT blamed this on "mechanical failures" and "Supply issues"... then late last afternoon, Governor Abbott signed an EO that prohibited Texas Natural Gas from being shipped out of state. All of...
  17. JoeBas

    Inconsistent Service: A bigger problem than the food?

    My experience with GrubHub/UberEats/Waitr/DoorDash (yes, all 4, so it's not one and done) is: a) About a 50% success rate in actually getting what I ordered, which can't be fixed during a station stop b) About a 25% success rate in actually getting delivery within a 3-minute-either-way window...
  18. JoeBas

    USA Today Article on LD Service Cutbacks

    If only people would quit talking about stuff like this, it'd be so much easier to ignore... ;)
  19. JoeBas

    Will full service dining ever return to the Western trains?

    Who needs an on-board service chief when your apparent goal is to eliminate on-board service?
  20. JoeBas

    Is Portland, OR Safe?

    Looks like many of us will have our chances soon enough, and the OP shouldn't worry about going to PDX, as the traveling show will soon be coming to a city near him/you...