Lead Service Attendant
Why can't Amtrak run through snow?
Even if they have the extra crews, they might not be able to get to the trains...due to the snow & ice.freights need to recall furloughs so they have crews. I see your point though.
It would be illegal for them to run a service today since they do not have a certified PTC system in place. COVID or no COVID, they would have had to discontinue service for a period once they decided that their original eATC plan was unworkable and that they were going to install I-ETMS. Early in 2020 they were running for a little while under a limited exemption from the FRA which was not going to be extended COVID or no COVID.It’s hardly an apples-apples comparison - but how many Brightline trains are running these days? They certainly got a nice service started when times were good - but at the first sign of trouble - their responsibilities are to their shareholders and not to the public.
Why can't Amtrak run through snow?