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  1. JoeBas

    Derailment of Cascades #501, DuPont WA, 2017-12-18

    IMO, depends on if there were interlopers in the cab, and how distracting they were being.
  2. JoeBas

    Crescent cancellations NOL-ATL early next year?

    And the year before, and the year before, and the year before...
  3. JoeBas

    Wick Moorman CEO of Amtrak

    Or an Anderson issue, for that matter, as any commuter service would not be AMTK, and other than the extant Thruway service AMTK would not be involved at all. But I digress...
  4. JoeBas

    Wick Moorman CEO of Amtrak

    Active tracks, at that, including near-annual passenger specials run via the Railroad Museum. There's been talk of heavy commuter from Galveston to Houston over the years; the biggest hurdle seems to be getting people to downtown Houston.
  5. JoeBas

    Wick Moorman CEO of Amtrak

    Yes please.
  6. JoeBas

    Viewliner bedroom questions

    So why are we answering a questions about bedrooms with "All about Roomettes" (dear God, not the "great bathroom debate" again)... OP, plenty of room for 2 full sized adult males in the bedroom, especially if utilizing the upper bunk. Upper bunk is reached by a removable ladder which the SCA...
  7. JoeBas

    HSR and national security

    LOL, the only intersection in the US between HSR and Nat'l Security would involve the letters T, S and A. No thanks.
  8. JoeBas

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    I hope you meant "Disembodied", unless you're really REALLLLLLY good at the Washington Power game.
  9. JoeBas

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    And since there's not enough damned diners at this point, the New York section gets a Cafe now too. Yay Egalitarianism!
  10. JoeBas

    San Diego's historic Santa Fe Depot is about to be sold

    When it comes to developers... never say never.
  11. JoeBas

    San Diego's historic Santa Fe Depot is about to be sold

    I would expect 250 sterile condos at 750,000k a pop coming soon to a historic station near you...
  12. JoeBas

    Hurricane Irma and Amtrak

    You rip that straw man up! Tear him to shreds!!!
  13. JoeBas

    Hurricane Irma and Amtrak

    So DA should have headed out of San Antonio, a week after Harvey dissipated??? Interesting... ;) Also, there are those of us engaged with EMs, First Responders, and Major Petroleum plants / utilities, for whom "heading out of the area" is not a realistic option. Nor is it an option for those...
  14. JoeBas

    Hurricane Irma and Amtrak

    I live in Southeast Houston, and I fueled up on Saturday morning - the day AFTER Harvey made landfall. Easy peasy. ;)
  15. JoeBas

    Hurricane Irma and Amtrak

    K, hope you got a good generator to get through the 2-3 weeks without power! *waves*
  16. JoeBas

    Hurricane Irma and Amtrak

    New Euro model is west.
  17. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    There's also significant flooding downtown from Buffalo and White Oak bayous, I'm not sure how this may be affecting the Amdump on Washington Avenue.
  18. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    Main concern for that trip would be whether the bridges over the Colorado, Brazos, Guadelupe, etc survive or not.
  19. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    *Waving from Webster, on about 3 minute's sleep*... ;)