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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. Anthony V

    Amtrak’s Black Hawk

    Looks like the question on whether this route should be restored is going to be on the ballot in Winnebago County this November.
  2. Anthony V

    Fire Richard Anderson Campaign?

    Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gardner are certainly going to be on Santa's naughty list this Christmas because of this move and all of their other moves designed to hurt passenger rail ridership in America.
  3. Anthony V

    Rail Passenger Meeting for TN, AL, MS, AR, KY

    A note about the fourth issue TARP will discuss: Virginia is currently studying Amtrak service to the Tri-Cities via a station in Bristol. The economic impact study, the second of three studies on this proposed service is planned to wrap up in late August, with the third (cost analysis) study to...
  4. Anthony V

    Amtrak’s Black Hawk

    *** Moderator Note - prior posts were made in mid 2016 *** Looks like there are renewed efforts to build support for getting this route up and running again. Btw, I signed this petition, and I would like as...
  5. Anthony V

    Southwest Chief News & Future Operations

    I wonder if this news would have any effect on efforts to finance the installation of PTC on the Rail Runner line, for better or worse. Tell me what you think.
  6. Anthony V

    Seattle to Denver run

    Too bad the Pioneer isn't running anymore. That would've made for a no-transfer trip.
  7. Anthony V

    Southwest Chief News & Future Operations

    Back to the topic matter. I have a SICK feeling that Anderson's plan for the SWC is going to become reality by Jan 1, 2019 because he isn't even bowing to the pressure of any of the local politicians along the route that would be affected by this plan telling him that this is NOT a good idea...
  8. Anthony V

    Equipment Order in the works this year (2018)?

    If he's going to eliminate bi-levels, why don't we encourage him to order some dome and observation cars. Those are much better than Superliners at providing a great view of the passing scenery you see when traveling by rail. This could help offset the almost certain loss of ridership caused the...
  9. Anthony V

    Freight Derailment in Aurora IL - CZ and SWC affected

    Will the CZ be detouring over the Geneva Sub, and the SWC over the Chillicothe Sub?
  10. Anthony V

    New Sunset Limited/Texas Eagle Timetables

    The Texas Eagle needs to have some sort of Houston section, whether the one from Dallas (1988-1995), or the one from Temple (1973-1981). I'd prefer the one from Dallas because it would also serve College Station, TX (A college town and a major ridership source). The proposed Texas Central...
  11. Anthony V

    Brightline considering other routes outside Florida!

    In addition to the routes they mentioned in the article, they should consider running service on Ohio's 3C corridor, as it would fit the distance and population criteria they mentioned in that article perfectly. This route would've been very popular had KaSICK not rejected funding for it. This...
  12. Anthony V

    Viewliner II Part 2: Dining Car Production, Delivery, Speculation

    What reroute? The one through Michigan?
  13. Anthony V

    What would you add?

    That won't happen because UP would fight it tooth and nail due to the extremely heavy freight traffic over the Tehachapi Pass. In addition, the current Thruway bus connection is much faster than the route over the Tehachapi Pass. OTOH, if/when the California HSR is built between BFD and LAX...
  14. Anthony V

    Silver Star: What to do for meals without Diner?

    I don't see Amtrak eliminating the diner on any of the other long distance trains because that would, for the most part, leave rail passengers with no alternative in the markets those trains serve. They did it with the Silver Star because they knew that those who still want a diner can take the...
  15. Anthony V

    Oklahoma City - South Texas Corridor

    They're doing another study on the route and expect costs to be much lower than what was stated in 2011.
  16. Anthony V

    Daytime Salt Lake City train

    This looks like a good route. However, between DEN and SLC, I would've taken the faster Overland route through Wyoming instead of the Rio Grande route over the Rockies so passengers wouldn't be missing any beautiful scenery on the overnight portion.
  17. Anthony V

    Amtrak in Wyoming

    Reviving the Pioneer on the Overland Route would return service to Wyoming as well as fill in a major gap in the Amtrak system. Amtrak would just need to buy the necessary equipment to run the route.
  18. Anthony V

    Amtrak reroutes

    For the SL to serve Phoenix again, the tracks west of there would need significant rehabilitation work done before they'll be usable for passenger trains again. It depends on how much UP wants Amtrak off that part of the Sunset Route. That being said, UP has done some work on the line west of...
  19. Anthony V

    Amtrak 58, 59 originating/terminating in Jackson, MS.

    If that's the case, why isn't the CONO currently routed through Baton Rouge?
  20. Anthony V

    Amtrak 58, 59 originating/terminating in Jackson, MS.

    I read that the aforementioned spillway bridge is supposed to be replaced as part of the New Orleans - Baton Rouge passenger rail project. So when the passenger rail line to Baton Rouge is built, this issue should be resolved once and for all.