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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. BoulderCO

    Car Rental at Chicago Union Station

    You should be able to find car rental near some of the Metra stations. This may be better for you if your final destination isn't downtown Chicago. I know, for example, that there is an Enterprise office just 2 blocks from the Dee Rd. Metra stop in Park Ridge (NW suburb). Probably cheaper...
  2. BoulderCO

    Tips for a Amtrak Coach newbie

    Mostly just confirming what others have said. From Chicago, unless you are leaving on an especially busy day, your car will most likely be "open seating" so you can find what looks to be a good window seat and a hope for no seat mate. No guarantees, but highly likely. I've never brought a...
  3. BoulderCO

    Chicago Metropolitan Lounge Questions

    OK - I'll Bite. Why would anyone want to remove a label from a wine bottle ?
  4. BoulderCO

    NY Times Magazine Article

    Very nice article on the NY Times site today that will probably be published in the Sunday Magazine section. Titled "There is no reason to cross the US by train. But I did it anyway". Long article by a very good travel writer. Describes trip From NYC to LA on Lakeshore Limited and...
  5. BoulderCO

    New Menus on #8

    I actually like the new one.   It has a very "fresh" look to it.
  6. BoulderCO

    Winter Park Ski Train Experience

    My wife and I took the Ski Train trip from Denver to Winter Park today.  They are running it on Fridays for a few weeks this year in addition to the Saturday and Sunday schedule.   Even though it was a Friday, the train was completely sold out and filled. A timely trip in both directions with...
  7. BoulderCO

    2019 Winter Park Ski Train

    We have reservations for one of the Friday trips in February.   The reservation process had all the look & feel of Amtrak.   Looking forward to the trip as we haven't been on this train for many years.     Yes the menu does look limited.   Basically subset of Cafe Car food/drink served somehow...
  8. BoulderCO

    Qs about food/baggage on California Zephyr from relative newbie

    I'm not very familiar with Mt. Pleasant IA, but I can assure the OP that, at 6 PM, there will be at least 5 places there that are open and will have a better meal at a lower price than the Zephyr dining car.    So, unless it is is a once-in-a-lifetime bucket list kind of deal, I'd suggest just...
  9. BoulderCO

    Is Amtrak getting stricter with the carry on policy?

    "I could never travel anywhere for two weeks with a suitcase and a backpack. What if I need a more casual look? And an evening look? " You can do it if you want to. Take casual clothes. For the "evening look" you are craving, make some of them black. My wife and I have travelled all over...
  10. BoulderCO

    First time overnight ride on Southwest Cheif

    Also, another option you have is to stay 1 or 2 nights at the National Park Service El Tovar hotel which is right on the edge of the canyon. A spectacular setting and a very decent hotel with good service. Not as hard to book as Phantom Ranch, but you will need to do so probably several...
  11. BoulderCO

    First time overnight ride on Southwest Cheif

    Expect any canyon experience that involves an overnight at Phantom Ranch to be either booked up for at least a year or very expensive - or both. Not familiar with this "AmTrak" tour company, but if they were allowed to pre-purchase some of the limited overnight spaces they will be very...
  12. BoulderCO

    valuables left at coach seat when walking to bathroom, diner, etc..

    I have no problem with leaving most things (clothes, reading material, snacks, etc.) at my seat when I'm away. But I do always take my phone or iPad with me wherever I go on the train. Have a small "man purse" that will easily accommodate everything and is easy to carry. But, depending...
  13. BoulderCO

    First Time on Superliner/Empire Builder

    Cpotisch has good advice. In addition I would add: For entertainment, also bring a small battery powered AM/FM radio with earphone. This will allow you to be aware of local events, happenings and news from the communities you pass through. I use this WAY more than I do pre-loaded books...
  14. BoulderCO

    Breakfast out of DEN on westbound CZ

    If you opt for breakfast in Union Station, "Snooze" is your best choice for something hot. It will be crowded.
  15. BoulderCO

    How Much Free Food?

    As someone mentioned above, It is a sedentary lifestyle on the train. Zero exercise except for strolling between cars. Can't imagine needing more than one entree per meal! I enjoy eating very much, but never felt hungry for anything other than breakfast and dinner (skipping lunch) while...
  16. BoulderCO

    Benefit to Buying Round Trip Ticket vs. Two One Way Ticket

    For the reasons stated above, I always purchase two one-way tickets. By the way, I also do this now with airline tickets. No extra cost (on United, at least) and with the non-refundable tickets I buy, potentially a lot of savings if I need to change my travel plans.
  17. BoulderCO

    Empire Builder Documentary

    It is recognized by the Netflix DVD service and I saved it into my Queue there. But not available yet. It may or may not be available there in the future - it sometimes takes a few months.
  18. BoulderCO

    New Orleans station ~ a couple of questions

    Definitely do the French Quarter for food & entertainment. But Bourbon St is perhaps the least desirable place for it (in my opinion). Noisy, crowded and full of tourists. A quick walk on it will suffice - just to check it out. Instead, I'd suggest exploring the other streets in the...
  19. BoulderCO

    Zephyr & Denver - info please

    "Snooze", which is right inside of Union Station, has an excellent breakfast menu. One of the most popular breakfast spots in both Denver and Boulder. Expect it to be crowded. Highly recommended if the timing works out for you.