Empire Builder Documentary

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
The Austin Film Society will be showing the Documentary "In Transit" @ the New AFS Theater on Wed 11/01 @ 730pm as part of the Fall Austin Film Festival going on this,week.

It was filmed on the Empire Builder Route and Stars actual Passengers and Crew Members, not actors.

The co-Director ( one has passed away) will be in attendance and discuss the film during a Q&A session after the film.

I will be in attendance!
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Have fun!

We will expect a full review of the movie!

But what will you do if the World Series goes to seven games? That's the same time, right?
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Well, it looks like Tivo since the Stros didn't clinch and Game 7 is on tonight!The Dodgers played an excellent game and deserved to Win and Jeff sure nailed the Dodger Managers strategy!

I'll be watching the Empire Builder Docummentary and hope the Stros will have it clinched when I get out!

As the Navy says, it's "All Hands on Deck", next Game is Spring Training!

Go Astros Go!
I would love to see this. Is it available on dvd? Can it be streamed online anywhere? I looked, but didn't come up with anything
I would love to see this. Is it available on dvd? Can it be streamed online anywhere? I looked, but didn't come up with anything
Since this was a now Bankrupt Al JazeerUSA financed project,according to the Co-Director that was in attendance, it will only be available at Film Festivals, no Commercial copies are available for sale or rent and it looks doubtful if there ever will be.
It was really enjoyable, and will be shown one more time on Sunday 11/05 @ the AFS Theater here in Austin.
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I would love to see this. Is it available on dvd? Can it be streamed online anywhere? I looked, but didn't come up with anything
It is recognized by the Netflix DVD service and I saved it into my Queue there. But not available yet. It may or may not be available there in the future - it sometimes takes a few months.
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