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  1. sky12065

    Jim and Stacys Excellent Western Adventure/Part 5

    I just stopped to realize that all three of us... you, Jim and I, were all in PDX during this month. How has Portland survive such a traumatic event and will Portland ever be the same again? :unsure: :o :huh: :blink:
  2. sky12065

    Jim and Stacys Excellent Western Adventure/Part 5

    You think you look terrifying? Before I retired I had to enter a few of our employees work stations daily to perform a surprise random cash audit. In doing so I scared the you know what out of more than one of them... and they were used to seeing me! BOO! :lol:
  3. sky12065

    Jim and Stacys Excellent Western Adventure/Part 5

    You can do like my wife did when she was there earlier this month, have them ship your purchases home. Also, if you're looking for a particular book or just want to browse online, you can do what I did last week. Search on their website and place an online order. I got free shipping on my...
  4. sky12065

    AGR Awards Info for Newbies

    No problem for me, go for it! However, (there's always a however in cases like this) I think you'll have a problem when you try to use them with AGR. They put a little know restriction on my points; they're only good for use at my closest train station Mechanicville, and that station has been...
  5. sky12065

    AGR Awards Info for Newbies

    If by Joe/Dad you're referring to me, then you must be the son your mother also never knew about! :unsure: :rolleyes:
  6. sky12065

    Room Location

    I know what you mean't about the roomettes facing forward now, but my first thought to myself was "Now that would be a neat trick! How do you make a roomette face forward? Forward or backward they're basicly the same" :lol:
  7. sky12065

    AGR Awards Info for Newbies

    Jim, I'll leave the loopty-loop stuff to the experienced, but I did want to tell you that I haven't received my packet and card either. I just joined on March 30 and I already have about 25,000 and will be over 30,000 next month. And I haven't even received points for 2 of my 4 recent trips...
  8. sky12065

    Keeping Track (pun intended) of AGR Points

    I setup an Excel file with separate worksheets for the different rewards program accounts I have. For instance I have one for AGR me, AGR my wife, HHonors (Hilton), Hertz1 and others. I have 5 columns on the AGR pages for Rail Points, Chase Points, Bonus Points, Points spent and a total point...
  9. sky12065

    Room Location

    HUH? What do you mean "first in to grab the E room?" Your room is assigned upon the issuance of the ticket and not when boarding!
  10. sky12065

    Room Location

    Having been in the E room, do you have any thoughts on how your experience was riding backwards, presuming that you did?
  11. sky12065

    trip from hell

    When an organization sets up a unit to handle concerns of their customers, they do so for a reason. In this case I wouldn't be surprised at all if Mr Boardman did actually read letters of concerns or complaints, that he would simply send most of them directly to customer relations to handle...
  12. sky12065

    Late train notification service

    Regardless of how one feels about the notification, I would not pay attention to it if I were going to catch the train I'm checking on. If I did pay attention to it and the train made up lost time, I'd hate to see my train pulling out of the station as I was arriving, :o but would personally...
  13. sky12065

    Mobile station gets a break...

    WOW! Non-stop cigarette breaks for those who"puff-puff-puff that cigarette!" If it comes to pass, they'll have to put another warning on the cigarette packs... "Stepping Away From the Platform May Be Hazardious to Your Health." :rolleyes:
  14. sky12065

    Internet on Amtrak

    Boy, you old school radio hams must have the strongest bladders in the world. Do you store it in a holding tank then stop by a dumping station every once and a while? :lol:
  15. sky12065

    Internet on Amtrak

    Don't forget your 88's before you go 10-100! :rolleyes:
  16. sky12065

    Effect of Middle Initial

    Absolutely! I think I'll add a little more to it! :)
  17. sky12065

    Effect of Middle Initial

    A few months ago I converted 10,000 HHilton points into AGR points. My AGR has my middle intial whereas my Hhilton does not. The transfer was made successfully without any problems or delays.
  18. sky12065

    Internet on Amtrak

    At first I thought to myself.... "What the?" Then I realized that it was Morris Code. Unfortunately for me it's been more than 30 years since I passed my amature radio license test and have since forgotten all but about 4 letters of the code... and that's a dirty word! (Please don't try...
  19. sky12065

    Old Affiliation With Railroads

    This thread has brought back memories from when I was a young child. My Aunt Rose and Uncle Joe worked back then at the railroad yards in Selkirk for the New York Central Railroad and each summer I got to enjoy a week with them. They lived just a short distance from the yards and their house...
  20. sky12065

    What is all this?

    I'm not sure you would really want to tape them to your desk, but try here: