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  1. sky12065

    AGR Mastercard New Enrollee Bonus Points

    I'm confused! You say that you got the quoted above directly from the AGR website, but that's not what I see there. Here is what I am seeing - copied and pasted directly from the website: As you can see your original quote indicates an 8,000/4,000 point base, but on the quote I just copied...
  2. sky12065

    Ink Cartridge Cheaper than in person

    Yes! You can get unlimited "Free" points. Unfortunately, AGR only permits usage of "Rail" points, "Bonus" points and "Adjustment" points! :D
  3. sky12065

    the_traveler has left the building!

    OK, so who's more suspicious looking; The Traveler or the characters in Congress? :lol:
  4. sky12065

    Holy Crap! Free upgrade to a bedroom on 49!

    I asked in one of your other LSL threads, but didn't get an answer, if ALB served pizza downstairs (or other food) because the NY segment was running late. What say you?
  5. sky12065

    Ink Cartridge Cheaper than in person

    Not only did I get a good price, but there was an offer for a free pack of AA batteries. I think it was an 8 pack! :)
  6. sky12065

    Ink Cartridge Cheaper than in person

    I recently bought ink cartriges from Office Depot and at first the AGR info with my AGR# was included in the address bar. HOWEVER, when I went to checkout guess what? All the AGR information disappeared from the address bar and there was no indicators after processing the purchase either...
  7. sky12065

    Roomette Suggestions for Lake Shore Ltd.

    What? Don't you carry night vision goggles with you? I thought everybody did!!! :ph34r: (I couldn't resist either)
  8. sky12065

    stuck in ALB for a while...

    When we left ALB in June the NY segment was running 1:10 late. There was pizza served in the lower section for waiting LSL passengers. Did you get pizza served tonight
  9. sky12065

    the_traveler has left the building!

    Gurrrrrr; booooo; hissssss! Just my luck! This summer was the one and quite possibly the only time I will ever get to ride the CS... and I wound up getting stuck with Roger!!! :angry:
  10. sky12065

    the_traveler has left the building!

    Like in San Quentin? :lol:
  11. sky12065

    Train Songs!

    Well, this ain't exactly a train song, but I sure can close my eyes and imagine a train dancing merrily along the rail to the beat of the music with The Traveler hanging half out of the train's cab window waiving enthusiastically at everybody they go by! ^_^ Check out "Shuckin' the Corn" at...
  12. sky12065

    the_traveler has left the building!

    Hey Traveler! I just found a picture while doing some Google photo searching and figured that it just had to be you when you were a young kid! CLICK HERE to see it! :lol:
  13. sky12065


    Thayer, While reading through this thread I had an observation I would like to pass by you. Had you waited to pick up your tickets until shortly before your first travel date, or even on the day of travel, you would have avoided the three trips that you have so far taken to the station as well...
  14. sky12065

    how much different were the "good old days"?

    Tonga-tonga-tonga-tonga... yummy... sounds great! We'll have to go over and try it when we stay at Disney's Boardwalk next year! :rolleyes:
  15. sky12065

    how much different were the "good old days"?

    Sounds like you're talkn' about the Traveler! Or do you have the two confused? :unsure: :D
  16. sky12065

    Upper Level vs. Lower Level

    I've used the H room on several different occasions and never had any problem being served our meals in the room. You may have to wait awhile at time because one attedant cannot attend mulitple rooms at the same time. One of the attendants on our last trip had told me that they are required to...
  17. sky12065


    Every time I read the title of this thread I have B-52's "Love Shack" start playing in my head! :rolleyes:
  18. sky12065

    What does your Forum User Name mean?

    Eric, I wanted to let you know that my son and his girlfriend are leaving LA on Monday for Hawaii in case you wanted to greet them at the station when their train arrives! :lol:
  19. sky12065

    Upper Level vs. Lower Level

    Did you realize that one can have a nice conversation with Hogswart's Express tickets? Watch what you say to the stubs though! I hear they can't be trusted.
  20. sky12065

    1-800-Flowers Promotion

    I had the same experience with OfficeMax! Neither they or AGR had any clue how the points get posted or if their was any way to check (OfficeMax) to see if there was any AGR indicators on the order! IIRC, O/Max (or should that be Ooh/Max) wasn't familar with AGR or even what it is! :huh: