Fortunately the H rooms on both the viewliner and the superliner can both be locked from the inside and lock is just what we do when we want to make sure of privacy. Otherwise it doesn't really bother us when someone accidentally walks in. If they apologize I just smile at them and say "that's ok, it happens!"IMHO lots of olks new to Superliners/trains are looking for the restrooms when they open doors downstairs,Iv e seen handwritten signsI think that's a matter of people either not realizing that one can't pass through from car to car on the lower level, or perhaps thinking that they were on the upper level. But I've read several stories of people walking into the family room also, in addition to the H room, looking for the door to the next car.I haven't had someone tumble into my room, but in using the H room we have had someone actually walk partially into our room on a number of occasions. I don't know if they had the family room and were just disoriented, but I have a feeling that it's more likely they were new to riding superliners and thought you can actually walk from car to car on the lower level.
on some H rooms and Family Bedrooms saying "Private/DO NOT ENTER",also it sometimes is easy for anyone (except the traveler :lol: )
to get turned around when walking the train in my experience!