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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. A

    Why is Amtrak coach more expensive than flying?

    The cost of the ticket can be a small part of the cost of the trip. More considerations: (1) Parking cost; If you go on a week's trip, and park your car at the Orlando airport, it will cost more than your airline ticket did to bail out your car when you return. (2) For me, the train station...
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    Orlando or Savannah to NYC and Washington??

    You might do a one-way car rental from home to Orlando. And if you are heading North from Disney, you could take the Meteor or the Star right from Orlando. Depending on how far out on the Florida panhandle you live, one of the Crescent stations might also be an option on the return trip...
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    Rail Passes ( Florida )

    We've had no problem getting a seat with that railpass, over several years of having them. And there is always the lounge car - those seats are not sold. One suggestion - just before you head to the station for that day, use the reservation system and try to book 5 or 6 seats from your...
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    Refund of part of an itinerary?

    If one buys a ticket and travels on the segments ticketed and paid for and then through an error of the Conductor ends up with the un-collected ticket for part of the route, and then asks for a refund voucher for that segment, it's called fraud or theft. It's unethical. It cheats the company...
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    Sunset...good idea or great idea

    It varied. If they resumed NOL-ORL, however, I suspect that it would be better now than it was then because Amtrak and CSX have had a few heart-to-heart discussions resulting in better OTP on CSX tracks, especially Silver Service. One problem that still exists, though, is that I believe a lot...
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    Could a train station make a profit for Amtrak? I think so

    Most stations aren't nearly big enough, and the parcel on which they and their parking lots sit, are not nearly large enough to do that, either. This is something that Amtrak and the landowners would need to work out in advance, so that the physical plant would be able to support all those...
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    Sunset...good idea or great idea

    Amtrak's figures as to profit and loss on the NEC vs LD trains need to be taken with several carloads of salt. A number of folks are pretty solidly convinced that the books have been thoroughly cooked in the matter, with costs that ought to have been laid at the feet of the NEC being attributed...
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    Sunset...good idea or great idea

    Well, that is not REALLY Amtrak's official answer, either, at least not as far as running ANY service on that segment. If they actually DID want to officially kill the rest of that route, they would have had to say so legally, with train-offs. Since they have NOT done that, they obviously...
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    Speed limit

    I think one of the reasons they stopped carrying mail was the delays to Amtrak passenger trains caused by onloading/offloading mail, switching delays, etc. I suppose if it was simply an end-to end mail run, i.e., from origination to destination for that train, with no intermediate mail...
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    3 people in a roomette?

    (1) - Tom - the taxidermist comment was a joke, for pete's sake. Chill a little. (2) - There IS more than a little truth to the idea that today's kids are NOT as well disciplined as we were back in "the day". I am absolutely sure that if I, as a child traveling with my parents, had been on...
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    3 people in a roomette?

    I guess you could go up to the parents, introduce yourself as a taxidermist and say that several of the other passengers had suggested that the child was in need of your professional services.........
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    Sunset must go daily

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    Washington DC Union Station Photo Flap

    Rafi, perhaps next time you have a chat with somebody there (Amtrak HQ), you might mention this as something that is causing an awful lot of discontent, heat and smoke, but not much light?
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    Sunset must go daily

    One small step forward. But I'm not exactly holding my breath.....
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    Speed limit

    I'm not quite sure what the "same route as Silver Service" comment was meant for with respect to Auto-Train. It does not stop anywhere to pick up or discharge passengers along the route. The fact that it shares a common route with one or both Silver Service trains (depending where you are on...
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    Sunset...good idea or great idea

    There is NO reason other than Amtrak's own stupid, obstinate, pigheaded intransigence that Sunset is not running to ORL right now. They continue to hold the Southern Transcon Route hostage, hoping for a ransom payment by LA, MS, AL, and FL. Their "reasons" for non-resumption are just so much...
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    Sunset must go daily

    I have seen numerous statements (probably in the area of a hundred) over the past several years, in various places, not just here on this board, to the effect that a train which is scheduled daily tends to be more on-time overall than a less-than-daily train. The host RR dispatchers don't have...
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    I guess that qualifies as a "fish story" :lol:
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    Amtrak train wreck

    There aren't any at that crossing. From one of the quoted news sources: and So since there are no lights and no crossing gates at that crossing, as long as the signs were in place, there was no other grade equipment so nothing could have malfunctioned, and if that crossing stays at it's...