There aren't any at that crossing.I will never understand why the crossbars don't come down on BOTH sides of the road.
From one of the quoted news sources:
andHartley Lane crosses the railway without crossing gates or warning lights. The intersection is marked only with signs
So since there are no lights and no crossing gates at that crossing, as long as the signs were in place, there was no other grade equipment so nothing could have malfunctioned, and if that crossing stays at it's current place of #136 out of 2,300, with an installation rate of, to be optimistic, 12 per year, it will be more than 11 years before that crossing even has warning lights.MDOT installs warning lights or gates based on priority, he said.
The crossing is No. 136 on a list of about 2,300 statewide to get warning lights.
Depending on funding, MDOT adds warning lights to eight to 12 crossings each year.
About 13 trains pass through the Hartley Lane intersection each day, and the speed of the trains varies from 5-40 mph, according to a 2006 Federal Railroad Administration report.
The figure of 2,300 crossings without anything but crossing signs, IN THAT STATE ALONE, gives you an idea of the magnitude of the problem. THIS, (the transportation infrastructure of the U.S.) is where we need to be spending hundreds of billions, or trillions, of $$$$, NOT tilting at foreign windmills, IMHO. 2,300 rail crossings with nothing but sawbucks, in just that one state, and Interstate Highway System bridges collapsing into rivers, ought to be a much higher priority for our tax dollars.
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