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  1. G

    coast starlight welcome aboard booklet

    On my CS trip on Thursday, every room had both a booklet and a route guide.
  2. G

    coast starlight welcome aboard booklet

    I am taking the CS tomorrow from LAX to San Jose -- I will report if the booklet is in our roommette.
  3. G

    Texas Eagle broken into in SAS

    The entire story sounds suspicious for the reasons that others have noted. Nonetheless, it would not surprise me to hear that a bag or two was stolen from the lower level baggage racks. When I last went thru San Antonio on the Sunset (yes, I realize the story about about the TE but I haven't...
  4. G

    How Well do French Dips Travel?

    Don't forget the HOT MUSTARD.
  5. G

    Amtrak Loses Capitol Corridor Contract

    A local news report provides a somewhat different explanation of what Amtrak had been providing for Caltrain and who will get the new contract:
  6. G

    Coast Daylight

    Prior to LAUS, Los Angeles had three rail terminals, serving different railroads. The largest of these was Central Station at Fifth & Central (or Fifth & Alameda according to some reports). An interesting piece on the history of rail in Los Angeles is at...
  7. G

    Advice needed re- Emeryville transfer

    If all else fails (e.g., have checked bags so can't transfer to BART at Richmond and can't buy a bus ticket at EMY), an alternative is to take the free shuttle from EMY (boarding is a block from the Amtrak station) to the BART station in Oakland. As I recall the shuttle runs every 10 minutes or...
  8. G

    Seattle Pics

    Pictures here:
  9. G

    Southwest Chief-LAX to CHICAGO

    The Flyaway Bus from the airport to Union Station is the easiest and is cheap -- $6 direct door-to-door, with frequent service.
  10. G

    SWC Must Do's

    Albuquerque is one stop where you'll have some time (about 45 minutes if the train is on time) -- time to walk around the station, check out the Indian jewelry and blanket vendors on the platform, even walk a bit into town. Just make sure you're back in time. Do let your attendant know that...
  11. G

    Best way to make reservations for group?

    So that clinches that -- I'll call and make all the reservations on the phone. Thanks!
  12. G

    Best way to make reservations for group?

    We and two other couples are planning a trip next summer on the CS. We'll each have a roomette. I'm in charge of making the reservations for everyone. My current thought is to make them online (so that we can cancel online if need be), and to make 3 separate reservations (so that one can be...
  13. G

    Tea time in sleeping cars????

    I am a tea drinker as well, but unfortunately I have never seen tea or hot water offered in sleepers. Tea (Lipton's) is available (for a charge) at the snack bar. I have never asked for it, but I'm guessing that your sleeper car attendant would be willing to go to the dining car and get you...
  14. G

    Union Station Los Angeles question

    Yes, there are several stores in the station. There is a newly opened Fatima store (like a 7 Eleven but with a Japanese twist), a new Subway and a candy stand. And with 3 hours free, you can go across the street (out the front entrance and across Alameda) to Olvera Street for Mexican food and...
  15. G

    Leaving Early???

    From what station did the 97 leave early?
  16. G

    Amtrak Express Box Cars

    Sorry, but what is HEP?
  17. G

    CZ #6 still on for tomorrow (June 15)

    Any news on when the west bound 5 will resume service out of Chicago? I have reservations for Thursday from Denver to Emeryville and I'm wondering if it will still originate here in Denver or will start in Chicago.
  18. G

    checked baggage questions

    Actually, your parent or friend only needs to get you and your baggage on-board in GRR. They can then get off at the next stop while you continue on to Chicago.
  19. G

    Why the Lack of Communication?

    I am not sure that the premise is correct, at least as far as the pax on the train are concerned. The one time that my train was very late -- on the EB 8 last fall when we arrived in Chicago 8 hours late -- the conductor made regular announcements about the causes of the delay, our ETA, etc...
  20. G

    Favorite food on Amtrak?

    Dinner: Absolute best meal I ever had was soy-glazed duck in the PPC on CS. The salmon is consistently good. Otherwise, I'm fond of the roasted chicken. Lunch: Veggie burger (but I do wish that they would heat the bun -- some cooks do it, others don't ) Breakfast: Sorry, not much of a...