SWC Must Do's

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Jun 27, 2011

This is our first LD train triip, unless you count the one I took 50 years ago as a child:) We were booked on the EB but changed to the SWC due to ND flooding, to make sure we got a roomette and it probvided the best options for getting to Seattle for our cruise. That being said other than relax and have a good time do you have any suggestions.

  • Are their train stations we need to get off and look at the station because it is old or unusual or just plain interesting?
  • Are they any areas that we need to be checking out the screneery instead of reading my book?
  • Do you let the SCA know you are a newbie or try to act like you know what you are doing?
  • Do they do the wine and cheese tasting like on the EB?
We are in an roomette #7 car 331 from Chicago to Newton KS and then at 3AM change to roomette #13 in car 330 for the rest of the trip. Anyone else ever have to change rooms? Are they pretty good on the train about trying to keep you in the same roomette all the way through? I know one in lower and one is upper - do most people prefer upper and make them more popular so if we try to stay in a lower does that give us a better chance? Then again we start out in an uppper.

Any suggestions is appreciated - I've been so excited I almost forgot we are going on an Alaska cruise. My travel campanion who NEVER gets excited about traveling until we begin traveling is even excited. We leave next Wednesday, July 20th.
Most stops are quick and you aren't allowed to get off the train. On the few stops where you are allowed to step off, it's just for a few minutes. I wouldn't wander off the platform because when the train is ready to go, it leaves. If you're exploring some place you'll get left behind.

I've had rooms on both upper and lower levels, both are good. Some prefer upper, others like lower. For me, I liked the lower level best. There are fewer people walking by your room so it seems quieter to me. Plus I like having my window lower to the ground, gives you a better sense of speed.

Have fun!
Albuquerque is one stop where you'll have some time (about 45 minutes if the train is on time) -- time to walk around the station, check out the Indian jewelry and blanket vendors on the platform, even walk a bit into town. Just make sure you're back in time.

Do let your attendant know that you're a newbie - he or she will give you some good tips.
Be in the Lounge and alert as you go through Raton Pass as this is classic Santa Fe Railroad country that we probably will not enjoy much longer as the move is on to switch to the South Transcon. On either side of the tunnel there are some heavy wooden signs indicating your altitude. And take a few moments to step off the train at Raton and look over the station.

This is our first LD train triip, unless you count the one I took 50 years ago as a child:) We were booked on the EB but changed to the SWC due to ND flooding, to make sure we got a roomette and it probvided the best options for getting to Seattle for our cruise. That being said other than relax and have a good time do you have any suggestions.

  • Are their train stations we need to get off and look at the station because it is old or unusual or just plain interesting?
  • Are they any areas that we need to be checking out the screneery instead of reading my book?
  • Do you let the SCA know you are a newbie or try to act like you know what you are doing?
  • Do they do the wine and cheese tasting like on the EB?
We are in an roomette #7 car 331 from Chicago to Newton KS and then at 3AM change to roomette #13 in car 330 for the rest of the trip. Anyone else ever have to change rooms? Are they pretty good on the train about trying to keep you in the same roomette all the way through? I know one in lower and one is upper - do most people prefer upper and make them more popular so if we try to stay in a lower does that give us a better chance? Then again we start out in an uppper.

Any suggestions is appreciated - I've been so excited I almost forgot we are going on an Alaska cruise. My travel campanion who NEVER gets excited about traveling until we begin traveling is even excited. We leave next Wednesday, July 20th.
:hi: Nice trip!Be sure and enjoy the Mississippi River crossing into Iowa! Unfortunately the Grand Union Station in Kansas City is upstairs from where the Train stops @1030PM so you wont have time to go up and see it Unless you are running Early into KCY!(Ask your Sleeping Car Attendant before you leave the side of the Train!)

Rotan Pass through the Tunnel is a great sight, be sure and be in the Sightseer Lounge when going through it! (it's the border between Colorado and N ew Mexico)Albuqurque was already covered so youll see lots of desert! Look for deer and antelope along the way, lots of red rocks/cactus and if it rains creeks running full along the way! When you get to LAX, the Grand Old Union Station is Beautiful, be sure and enjoy touring it! If youre catching the Coast Starlight to Seattle (SEA) youll be able to wait in the Traxx Lounge by the Front Entrance, as a Sleeper Passenger youll have juice/coffee etc while you wait and theyll take you to the Train through the tunnel or you can get a RedCap and ride on their Cart to the Platform!

As to the Roomette change, 330AM is a tough time to change Cars and go downstairs,CALL Amtrak and see if you can switch your roomette NOW, :help: sometimes they open up due to cancellations, release by travel agencies etc.Ask in the Metro lounge in CHI before the Conduictor pulls your ticket! If not, ask your Conductor and SCA when you Board the Train IF you can work out something to stay in the same Roomette all the way to LA! :help:

I prefer being upstairs myself (#2-#10 with 3-4-5-6-7 being the best IMO)but if you can snag a downstairs room for the whole trip (#11-#14) thats better than changing rooms in the wee hours! :excl: :excl: :excl: (It may cost you more $$$ if a room opens up, the different room charges are called Buckets, from Low to High, this is a very Popular train so keep checking, doesnt cost anything to check amtrak.com or call 1-800-USA-RAIL! :) Good Luck!
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Don't forget to enjoy all your free meals in the diner. While traveling in a sleeper all you meals in the diner are included as part of your sleeper room. You will meet a lot of people in the diner car due to it being community seating. Also strike up a conversion with fellow passenger in the lounge car.
Actually, ask your SCA when you get onboard. I've had a split roomette on the SWC (i.e. I had to do a switch), and my SCA simply reassigned the roomettes so I wouldn't have to move. This tends to work especially well if both reservations are in one car. Failing that, ask if you can move early/late (i.e move during breakfast or at dinner time) so you're not trudging around in the middle of the night. Usually SCAs will accommodate this if they can.

As to upper/lower, I think I prefer an upper-level roomette more. Granted, I'd take a lower berth any day...

  • Are they any areas that we need to be checking out the screneery instead of reading my book?
I read quite a bit myself,except when I'm on a train!!!! It's just one of my weird hang ups, I guess, but, it really bothers me when I see someone reading in the Sightseer Lounge or PPC while there are others waiting to sit & enjoy the scenery! No offense intended, just me! I guess Amtrak needs a Library Car!Have Fun
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  • Are they any areas that we need to be checking out the screneery instead of reading my book?
I read quite a bit myself,except when I'm on a train!!!! It's just one of my weird hang ups, I guess, but, it really bothers me when I see someone reading in the Sightseer Lounge or PPC while there are others waiting to sit & enjoy the scenery! No offense intended, just me! I guess Amtrak needs a Library Car!Have Fun
I read a decent bit when I'm on the train...but that can probably be chalked up to the monotony of some parts of Kansas and the sheer number of times I've been over the Cleveland-Chicago segments of track (I count at least eleven to date...3 Christmas trips to Iowa, a conference in Chicago, and two LD trips to Arizona [one complete, one in progress]). I love taking the train, but to a very real extent it is functional travel for me.

Edit: And let's not even think about RVR-WAS. When all is said and done, Lord willing I'll have taken the train over that route more than I've driven I-95.
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I always step off the train during smoke breaks, even though I don't smoke, just to get some exercise. Time permitting you can also walk around La Junta and Flagstaff. We had a good hour in Kansas City and wandered around the beautiful station and even went outside to the World War I memorial. If the train is running late forget it.
Thanks for the feedback it will be helpful.

It now looks like I would have been okay to stay on the Empire Builder for our July 20th departure. I'm a little bummed but it is what it is.
hmmm now I am wondering what roomette I will have on my trip and how to know if i will have to switch rooms at some point
hmmm now I am wondering what roomette I will have on my trip and how to know if i will have to switch rooms at some point
Your tickets should indicate which car and roomette you have. The car number will be a 4 digit number, and your roomette will be a two digit number.

As for switching - I've not seen this, but I assume that you'd have two different tickets, but I'm sure the OP or others here will answer that.
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