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  1. R

    Parking at South Bend IN Amtrak station

    Thanks for the info. Sounds safe enough for me. I am thinking the Elkhart stop is in a safer neighborhood and actually closer to GRR, but we want to have dinner in the dining car. This would more likely happen I think, if we boarded in South Bend as we board a little after 8:30 pm there. We...
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    Parking at South Bend IN Amtrak station

    Yay! I just reserved our next Amtrak trip in a roomette~decided I can't wait any longer, so we are going to Washington DC on the Capitol Limited in September. We did this trip about 2 years ago and absolutely loved it so we are doing it again. Even staying at the same hotel near Union Station...
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    Pere Marquette & Southwest Chief

    I enjoyed your trip report! Can picture it well. The bottom berth in the roomette is more comfortable to be sure--the mattress is on top of the flat seat cushions so there is extra padding. Were you able to try the bottom berth on the return trip back? We had an absolutely wonderful SCA...
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    Just returned from the Southwest Chief.

    Looking forward to reading your trip report! I am starting to plan a trip on the Southwest Chief for next year so am eager to hear how it went.
  5. R

    what is low bucket for the california zephyr

    Low bucket for a BEDROOM on the Zephyr from CHI to EMY during Jan and February 2112 was $588 when I booked in late 2011. That rate increased to $600 a couple of months into 2012. These are the lowest travel times of the year I am assuming, so that's the lowest bedroom bucket you'll encounter...
  6. R

    First thing you want to do on an Amtrak train

    Take a seat in my roomette, drink from a water bottle, open the route guide and see what's in store for the next hour or so, lean back, look out the window, and wait for that slow, small lurch forward indicating we are on our way--so far, always right on time!
  7. R

    Hotel By Amtrak Station

    We did the same thing--CZ to Emeryville and then the Coast Starlight to LA in late Jan-early Feb--a few weeks ago. We stayed at the Hyatt House 2 nights (formerly Woodfin Suites and then it was the Summerfield Suites)--its name was changed a couple of months ago. We got a great rate for the...
  8. R

    Is CZ Really That Rundown?

    We took the CZ from CHI to Emeryville the very end of January and were in Bedroom E. The couch and chair were in fine shape; the carpet--no problems; the toilet/shower combo was in fine condition; everything flushed well, the shower drained ok; the sink was fine, the door latched fine. All...
  9. R

    Luggage size question

    We live maybe 15 min from the Amtrak Station...used to love the Fannie May at 28th St. and the Beltline! That candy was the best! When we head to CHI we stop for FM candy as well.
  10. R

    Luggage size question

    Deb, I can picture just where you printed your tickets in GRR. We took the Pere Marquette to CHI too before our big trip, and ran our tickets off the day before. (Had to make sure the weather would cooperate with our travel plans!) Be sure to head straight for the Metropolitan Lounge when you...
  11. R

    LD Trrips - advance notification of schedule changes / disruptions

    I don't even own a land line. Only have a cell phone that rings loudly and takes phone and text messages without any problem. It also tracks every phone call that comes in and goes out like most cell phones do. The service disruption was a 'bus bridge' of over 4 hours due to track work in...
  12. R

    Coast Starlight from SF (Emeryville) to LAX

    So, after one full day and two nights in San Francisco--staying at the Hyatt House (formerly Woodfin Suites), we headed out after breakfast through the hotel parking lot and then took the elevator over to the Emeryville Amtrak station. We were a bit early and watched several trains pass...
  13. R

    California Zephyr from CHI to SANFRANCISCO

    The end of January 2012 finally arrived and we were off on our big train adventure. Pre-trip worries about snowy weather and possible delays were happily unfounded--there was maybe an inch of snow on the ground--that's all. We left GRR on Monday am, Jan 30th on the Pere Marquette headed for...
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    LD Trrips - advance notification of schedule changes / disruptions

    I found out about a service disruption on a planned long distance trip on this forum. I never received a call from Julie. My reservation was simply changed when I checked online--showing the disruption, which was a deal breaker for me. I changed my reservation for the better! Glad for this forum!
  15. R

    CZ Complaint to Chris Elliott Results in Full Refund

    Wow--we just took the CZ the end of January from CHI to SF and had bedroom E . The room was as clean as it could be! Mirror looked a little spotty, but then I realized the spots wouldn't come off. A few squeaks here and there which we stuffed to quiet them. We also had a wonderful SCA...
  16. R

    California Zephyr vs Empire Builder

    We just returned from a trip on the California Zephyr. I highly recommend it. The Rockies and the Sierra Nevadas are passed through during the daytime hours. The less interesting scenery (in my opinion) is passed through during the night. Donner Pass was gorgeous. I loved this trip! If you...
  17. R

    Touring San Franscisco in One Day

    We are back from our day in San Francisco. What a beautiful day--blue skies and warm enough to go without a jacket. We started on the F bus essentially in front of the Hyatt House in Emeryville. That's the hotel nearest the Amtrak Station. (I had heard that transportation to SF from Emeryville...
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    Touring San Franscisco in One Day

    Thanks for the ideas! We are going to get the unlimited cable car/muni pass. Didn't know about that, so glad you guys mentioned it. We are going to get on the California cable car line as soon as we get into the city. Will let you know how it goes tonite!
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    Touring San Franscisco in One Day

    Thanks for the suggestions Railroad Bill. I checked out the one day transportation pass you mentioned--they say pass is good for Muni busses, street cars, and cable cars. Is a street car also known as a trolley car? I think the cable car we are taking to Fisherman's Wharf passes Lombard...
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    Touring San Franscisco in One Day

    Hi San Francisco Experts, Well, we made it to Emeryville! We took the California Zephyr from Chi to Emy and arrived today! Wonderful trip and so happy we did it! Everything went well including the weather. Our SCA was wonderful! The food was great! The views spectacular! You guys were right...