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  1. N

    Northeast regional trains from Washington to Fredericksburg

    I took a Norteast Regional yesterday and when checking availability noticed at least one of the trains was indicated sold out. I don't know how often that happens but it would seem to indicate making reservations in advance could be to your advantage although with flexibility you could possibly...
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    Explanation for Bad Queues @ NYP & WAS

    The ques at NY Penn, PHL, and DC are, to me, examples of poor customer service. The rationale used to justify the enormously uncomfortable, inefficient, and maddening process of boarding trains in those stations seem to support an assumption that Amtrak is out of touch with its customers and...
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    Coast Starlight Consist

    I'll be traveling on the Coast Starlight, LA to SEA, on June 3rd. Is there anyway to know whether or not the PPC will be on the train and whether or not there will bustiutions(sp?) Thanks
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    Travel Channel - weekly Amtrak exposure

    I think it is the History Channel and the do have some relatively new episodes.
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    TSA Expands Invasion To CA Train Stations & Bus Terminals

    Had an officer with dog walk through NE Regional between DC and New Carrolton. Just a walk through, no conversation or other checks. It was really unobtrusive. I hope they don't go any further and start other kinds of checks, etc.
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    Lake Shore

    Thank you.
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    Lake Shore

    Hello, Can anyone tell me what time sleeper passengers are allowed to board the Lake Shore Limited in Chicago. I know the scheduled departure time but seem to recall sleeper passengers are allowed to board earlier. Thanks for your help.
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    Lake Shore Dining

    Am I right in thinking that the Lake Shore does not serve dinner on departure from Chicago? Thanks
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    An Update on the Solari Board

    I beleive Trenton, NJ still has a board even after the refurbishment of the station.
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    Service Suspension Notification flub

    I have to agree with Jis that Amtrak should have called to advise passengers with reservations that the train was cancelled. It must have been a flub somewhere in the system. While I am one of those who might be accused of being enamored with Amtrak there is no excuse for poor customer service...
  11. N

    CONO crew pulled out of service ????

    Whether it's a right or not I think the train crews would find passengers much less demanding if they simply let folks know what's going on. I'm not sure why Amtrak or any other public conveyance would not have learned that fundamental lesson in passenger satisfaction by now.
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    alcohol transport

    While the memory is vague I recall a wine and cheese reception for Lakeshore sleeping car passengers leaving Chicago on a trip last year.
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    Via Rail vis-a-vis Amtrak

    Along these same lines is better to go east to west or west to east?
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    NTD Attendee Poll

    I'll be doing DC since the exhibits(varnish, locomotives) seem more robust.
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    Trains March 2011

    I think there's still a board in Trenton, TRE.
  16. N

    Which route is best between Chicago and New York?

    Despite the limits on accommodations imposed by its tri-weekly schedule, and its minimalist consist, the scenary on the Cardinal is gorgeous. I'd also vote for the NY state portion of the Lakeshore Limited as real eye candy. Going one route and returning another would probably the best way to...
  17. N

    Cardinal Reservations

    I got a roomette by calling the awards number 800-307-5000. When I attempted to book using 'redeem awards' tab it indicated accomodations were sold out however when I called the very helpful agent indicated there were accomodations available in both directions so I'd really recommend calling...
  18. N

    Cardinal Reservations

    I'm trying to use AGR points for a roomette on the Cardianl west bound in June (Trenton-Chicago). The system shows accommodations sold out throughout the month-I'm trying to leave on a Friday. Any suggestions on when best to check for cancellations, e.g., midnight, 0300. Does checking for...
  19. N

    Lake Shore Limited- Recent Riders?

    If June counts as recent I did the Chi to NYC run on the 5-6th. I booked a roomette and so took advantage of the tasting in Chicago even before we left the station-it was very well presented. The Heritage diner was a decided improvement over its predecessor. Service on board was good even in...
  20. N

    Number of trains ply Southwest Chief route

    Whenever I travel long distance I book a sleeper and I too always leave the windows open at night. I've been fortunate enough on a couple of occasions to travel on a full moon nights and watched long into the night as the moonlit country-side passed by. On another occasion I enjoyed a...