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  1. NorthShore

    Ten year transit plan for Chicago

    I agree about the need for easier accessibility at the Madison Ave entrance to Union Station. That said, in some sense, doesn't the connection you're looking for sort of already exist? Of course, there isn't a concourse over the platforms, which though desirable is probably not practically...
  2. NorthShore

    Ten year transit plan for Chicago

    An extensive "ten year plan" (I wonder how much could practically be accomplished in that time) vision for expanding transit in Chicago. Some are, perhaps, more ambitious concepts that would not be so easy to realize, let alone fund. Others are already on the drawing board to get done. This...
  3. NorthShore

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    Of course, Bob Newhart is from Chicago! He came back a few years ago for the dedication of the new theater space at Loyola University, of which he's an alumnus.
  4. NorthShore

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    You KNOW that I had that (and Irv Kupcinet) in mind, while composing my post.
  5. NorthShore

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    I once asked an older person about riding the train "back in the day." I noted that while riding Amtrak nowadays isn't always exactly a walk in the park, it was hard to imagine traveling overnite or cross country, especially in coach, decades ago knowing how spartan and non luxury the cars...
  6. NorthShore

    Hickory Creek excursion

    It appears to be working for me. But just go to and find the special events page if it doesn't for you.
  7. NorthShore

    Hickory Creek excursion

    I believe this car is coming to Chicago for Pullman Railroad Days, later this month:
  8. NorthShore

    Chicago - St. Louis Lincoln Corridor to begin higher speed running

    I've encountered frieght in the line, including one night when a freight train engine ahead of us broke down and we had tonwait for hours, finally arriving in Chicago after 2 A.M. But much of the freight interference slowing things is from the Chicago switching district.
  9. NorthShore

    Greyhound lists Chicago hub terminal for sale

    I found it interesting that something similar happenned with the intermodal centers in cities like Milwaukee and St. Paul. Initially serving Amtrak and Greyhound (with Mega stopping across the street), eventually they incorporated all bus operators, somehow, (either by negotiations, statute or...
  10. NorthShore

    Greyhound lists Chicago hub terminal for sale

    It didn't, actually. And are they even in Chicago at all, anymore? Amtrak threw Megabus passengers out of Union Station, as they weren't paying rent for passengers to wait and it was seen as competition. The difference, here, is that Greyhound has a relationship with Amtrak and a...
  11. NorthShore

    Greyhound lists Chicago hub terminal for sale

    I wonder whether Greyhound/Flixbus is expecting the piggyback upon their relationship with Amtrak to use Union Station as their passenger waiting area, with loading/alighting either on street or at the CTA bus terminal across the street.
  12. NorthShore

    Amtrak derailment in Chicago

    I wonder what time that happenned. I was at the park by the 21st Street bridge and saw several trains pass out of Union Station on time, until about 5:00.
  13. NorthShore

    Chicago - St. Louis Lincoln Corridor to begin higher speed running

    If more of the elected legislators, and not just the staffers or lobbyists, actually bothered to take the train to Springfield rather than driving, this might have been accomplished a long time ago.
  14. NorthShore

    Greyhound lists Chicago hub terminal for sale

    I was just there the other day and got to thinking about how, when they built this facility and moved there from the Loop, it was in a fringe area of downtown, near what used to be skid row. It, still, was sensibe for its easy access to the interstate system as well as public transit with...
  15. NorthShore

    Greyhound lists Chicago hub terminal for sale
  16. NorthShore

    2023 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry in the United States

    Speaking of which:
  17. NorthShore

    Amtrak Solar Eclipse viewing April 8 2024

    For this reason, I'm thinking about arriving somewhere the morning of eclipse and staying for a couple of days AFTER instead of the weekend before. If I can hear, say, a symphony performance on Thursday that week, for instance, it might make a Mon-Fri hotel stay well worthwhile and affordable.
  18. NorthShore

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago (TCMC) second daily service

    I haven't noticed, or maybe I forgot, but will there be the addition of a cafe car for these extended runs?
  19. NorthShore

    Denver from MSP

    What's the cost to fly to Milwaukee? Direct rail link from there.
  20. NorthShore

    St Louis transportation options near St Louis Children's Hospital

    My instincts, having stayed there for a few days, was that it's a reasonably safe area. I walked around extensively at times both day and night. Yes, cities are cities. Lawlessnes can happen anywhere (my front door window got busted in as a likely attempted burglary in a nice Chicago...