
Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. Ed Niblock

    All Aboard! Amtrak's Empire Builder | Seattle to Essex MT

  2. Alfo

    Which parts of the Michigan Wolverine service go 110mph?

    I wanted to go on a fun little trip and experience what it’s like to go at speeds over 100mph by train, but was unsure on which stops went that fast. If you have info on this please tell me.
  3. jis

    Huge News from Virginia

    Virginia is acquiring the ex RF&P RoW between Wshington DC and Richmond from CSX. In addition, it is acquiring what appears to be open passenger train rights between Richmond and Petersburg, Doswell to Clifton Forge on BBRR and the S-Line between Petersburg to the border of NC. This should...
  4. jis

    Welcome View of TSA Administrator on Security for Rail Passengers

    The full report at...
  5. Acela150

    Amtrak delivers best operating performance in company history

    Amtrak released Preliminary results for FY 2019 today. While an official breakdown is not yet available the operating loss is an amazing $29.8 Million which is an 82% improvement from FY 2018. Ridership is at a record 32.5 million. $Revenue at 3.3 Billion. Link below...
  6. Danielator36

    Amtrak Hoosier State: Lafayette, IN to Chicago (Video included)

    Basic Info: Amtrak Hoosier State 851 (No longer operating) May 29, 2019 LAF - CHI Departure from LAF at 7:36 AM Video: Background: A group of friends and I all purchased tickets about a month in advance, as we were planning on taking a day trip to Chicago the day after the school year was...
  7. Thirdrail7

    Article-A rare peek at an Amtrak-host railroad contract (CSX)

    Here's an interesting article from trains. it is not behind a paywall at this time, so click on the link for the full article. In the meantime. please allow a few, brief "fair use quotes." A rare peek at an Amtrak-host railroad contract Naturally, this is only a small part of the general...