421 Sleeper Reversed Direction in Last Night's SAS Transfer

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Lead Service Attendant
Jul 29, 2013
San Francisco
I thought this was interesting but perhaps it is a normal occurrence. In the TE 421 transfer last night, the sleeper car reversed directions. We went to bed traveling one direction and woke up going the other. I wonder how that worked for the 421 coach? It got very warm in the car during the shuffle and power was off for at least one hour.

Train 2 had a private car on the back (a heavyweight Pullman observation car) so maybe that added to the time to complete the switch.
You were correct about why it took so long with the PV on the back.

As you probably know, yard crews can hook up cars Willy nilly when switching.

Another factor is that most of the time the Cutout Sleeper (#422) is on the Front of the Consist (#21)from CHI to SAS and the #422 Coach is on the back, which requires multiple switching moves in SAS.
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On one of my 421 trips I had Roomette 10, and heading south on the Eagle, it butted up against the Coach. Next morning I had the railfan window-NICE! But what was entertaining is how many folks came to my end looking for the Diner, then asking me where it went!
I think this is a normal occurence. I rode the 421 sleeper a few years ago and we reversed direction. Although I had to walk through the coach to the diner I have no recollection except I think the seats still faced the direction of travel in the coach.
That's normal. IIRC, the Texas Eagle approaches San Antonio station from the west, and they don't wye the cars before heading west on 1.
I had not experienced this in April when I took 422. The direction of travel for the car stayed the same through the entire journey. That's interesting to hear that it happens often - but that also makes sense!
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For 421, the direction of the car traveling does change directions. But for 422, I believe the car goes continues in the same direction when it joins the Eagle consist. This is because the Eagle always approaches the station from the south and just stays there all night and backs out on the morning departure. The trackage north of SAS is directional running.
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