#5 (11) Held up by flooding in Colorado

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Train 5 looks like we got the second engine back because we were doing 75+ from Rawlins to Rick Springs, Wyoming. We are passing Rock Springs around six pm, but they have made no announcements on whether OE not we are on schedule. Very cloudy with sprinkled, but no downpours, yet.
In Green River for crew change. Estimated into Salt Lake City at 10 pm. Stunning vistas coming into this stop.
Not much grade between Rawlins and Rock Springs, so even with one engine out, the CZ might be able to maintain track speed.
Weather forecast rain ans snow showers in Fraser tonight and tommorow. More light showers next Friday. No major snow yet. Reno is extremly cold right now.

Loveland-Estes Park is the section of US Route 34 just east of Rocky Mountain National Park.

BTW - what do you do when you fly? You have to show up at the airport early, most all airports do not allow smoking, and if you fly cross country, or especially overseas, you can easily find yourself without a chance to smoke for 10 hours or more! :eek: (And I don't think there are many busus funning between LA and Japan or Australia!
There are Airbuses running those routes you know.... :p But even in those smoking is strictly prohibited. ;)
I thought almost all of them were Boeings! AFAIK, the only Airbuses to Japan and Australia are from Qantas.
Just to add to idle speculation, tonight's local news just reported that 80% of US 34 is damaged or entirely gone.
I know that reporters suffer from math and geography deficiency syndrome, but even for them this is nonsense. US 34 pretty much follows the CZ route from Naperville to Ft. Morgan, none of which is damaged.
Pardon my sloppy elocution, Paul M. Don't blame the reporters. We all meant to say "in the Big Thompson Canyon." Or what Nathaniel said.
Good Morning

I have been unable to find any information about the repair of the Moffat section of the track through Colorado. They originally stated that they hoped to have it fixed and running around the 1st of October. I can find no info from Amtrak or UP. Does anyone have any information, or rumors even? :D Thanks
Good Morning

I have been unable to find any information about the repair of the Moffat section of the track through Colorado. They originally stated that they hoped to have it fixed and running around the 1st of October. I can find no info from Amtrak or UP. Does anyone have any information, or rumors even? :D Thanks
The only thing I can find related is a news item at 'Trains' online News Wire, which reported that a contractor working on the Moffat Sub was killed last Wednesday (9/25) when his dump truck rolled over him. In the article from 9/27, UP spokesman Mark Davis said the repairs "could take weeks."
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This repair work is getting dangerous with people getting killed. It will be a long time before it gets repiared. Frankly, it might be two or three weeks before the line is running again.
The local radio station had a news story today that reported Amtrak says the DEN to GJT line will reopen on October 7th. A wee bit optimistic?
Just to be a pill, the Wyoming bypass saves 10% of the time between Emeryville and Chicago. Why not make it permanent and leave the glacial canyon crawl for a tourist train?
I'm not sure we have easy access to statistics to back this up, but I have to imagine that a nontrivial portion of the CZ's ridership and revenue is generated because of the "glacial canyon crawl" between Denver and Glenwood Springs.
Just to be a pill, the Wyoming bypass saves 10% of the time between Emeryville and Chicago. Why not make it permanent and leave the glacial canyon crawl for a tourist train?
Probably because a lot of passengers, for better or for worse, use it in part as a tourist train?

There's also arguably a lot better markets in western Colorado (Grand Junction, Glenwood Springs, etc.) for train travel than in Wyoming (which would be Cheyenne and a few other towns.)

I don't see it being beneficial to Amtrak to take the Wyoming bypass permanently.
While trying to find some more information on when the Moffat Sub might reopen - and when the Zephyr might resume service on it - I came across an article about a Zephyrette reunion in Glenwood Springs on September 24 in the Post Independent/Citizen Telegram/Grand Junction Free Press. From the article:

A group of former stewardesses called the Zephyrettes, from the original California Zephyr interstate passenger train, will arrive in Glenwood Springs on Sept. 24 for a two-day reunion.

According to Bernita Lundquist, 83, of Denver, there are about 20 people expected at the reunion, although the flood-caused lack of service by the current version of the train, the Amtrak California Zephyr, may get in the way of participation by some.

Lundquist, who retired as a Zephyrette in 1960, said this is not the first reunion of the group. The first, two years ago, was held in San Francisco, which is across the Bay Bridge from Oakland, the original and continuing terminus of the Zephyr service.

But this will be the first time the group meets in Glenwood Springs, and to visit the Glenwood Springs Railway Museum in the Amtrak station, at 413 Seventh St.

“We thought, because of the museum and the station’s connection to the old Zephyr, how appropriate it would be to have the next reunion there,” said Lundquist.

Now that would have been a fun reunion to attend.
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Just to be a pill, the Wyoming bypass saves 10% of the time between Emeryville and Chicago. Why not make it permanent and leave the glacial canyon crawl for a tourist train?
In the words of tennis hall of famer, John McEnroe.....................Are You Serious? :angry:

The CZ would probably lose a huge chunk of business if it was permanently rerouted....if folks are in a hurry, they'll fly across country, not take a marginally faster transcontinental train..... :eek:hboy:
From the Post Indepentent/Citizen Telegram/Grand Junction Free Press:

In the week since the floods, Union Pacific (UP), which owns the tracks and leases them to Amtrak, has been working feverishly to repair the damage, according to UP spokesman Mark Davis.

“As of Monday, Sept. 23, our engineering team was estimating another two weeks before the line is ready to reopen,” Davis wrote in an email to the Post Independent on Sept. 27. Two weeks from that date would put the resumption of train travel at Oct. 7 at the earliest.

“Though progress is being made,” Davis continued, “there is a very large hole that needs to be filled. Estimates for this one hole alone are 120,000 cubic yards of material to fill the hole.”

He said that translates to approximately 2,600 rail cars of material.
Good Morning

I have been unable to find any information about the repair of the Moffat section of the track through Colorado. They originally stated that they hoped to have it fixed and running around the 1st of October. I can find no info from Amtrak or UP. Does anyone have any information, or rumors even? :D Thanks
The only thing I can find related is a news item at 'Trains' online News Wire, which reported that a contractor working on the Moffat Sub was killed last Wednesday (9/25) when his dump truck rolled over him. In the article from 9/27, UP spokesman Mark Davis said the repairs "could take weeks."
See post No 12 & pictures by jis in the thread below, from today:


Seems like work is proceeding pretty fast.
Good Morning

I have been unable to find any information about the repair of the Moffat section of the track through Colorado. They originally stated that they hoped to have it fixed and running around the 1st of October. I can find no info from Amtrak or UP. Does anyone have any information, or rumors even? :D Thanks
The only thing I can find related is a news item at 'Trains' online News Wire, which reported that a contractor working on the Moffat Sub was killed last Wednesday (9/25) when his dump truck rolled over him. In the article from 9/27, UP spokesman Mark Davis said the repairs "could take weeks."
See post No 12 & pictures by jis in the thread below, from today:


Seems like work is proceeding pretty fast.
Um, pardon me, but your post makes no sense. What are you attempting to say?
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