When service is reinstated and cut later then while it is a temporary gain the net result in the long run is none. The Palmetto? You think replacing a train that went to Florida with a train that stops in Savannah is a net gain? You think having the Vermonter replace the Montrealer is a net gain?
That's not true when trains like the Vermonter realigned the route and add stops that previously had not been served. As for the Palmetto, the concept of this thread is to restructure Amtrak to make it less dependent on funds. What happened to the Palmetto is a classic example of that concept. When the Palmetto operated to JAX, it covered its costs. When the Palmetto was extended as part of a Florida realignment, it LOST MILLIONS. As such, it was canceled and restored as a JAX, then SAV train that once again started bleeding less money. I consider it a net gain for everyone because they have more options and that makes them more likely to use the train. The ridership shows as much. FYI, at some point this decade, restoration to FLA was once again analyzed and it would still bleed money...even though it wouldn't have a dining car.
Besides, you asked for more Amtrak. Restoration of canceled service is more Amtrak. I don;t think it is enough Amtrak, but it is more Amtrak.
Of course I am selfish but how many of you outside of the state of Oklahoma have even visited there? How many of you outside of the Northeast have visited Vermont? I will admit they have done good things in Michigan. Of course, Amtrak could reward them by giving them an LD train to get to the East Coast (or at least to Toledo like the Lake Cities) but no. The bottom line of what is "meaningful" to me is "how many people live there and how many people want to go there?", not "does it benefit Philly?" I hope they restart Gulf Coast service. I won't likely use it, but it is a link between Florida and New Orleans and even though it would still require an overnight stay would help Florida residents get closer to Texas/California and the other way around.
You are definitely selfish but that doesn't make you a bad person or unreasonable. Most of us are selfish or have selfish tendencies. Your snobby, ,suburban soft attitude is what does you and your arguments in. As I'm fond of saying, meaningful is subjective. Do you think people that visit Thurmond (the town that basically has 500 times its population utilizing the service) gives a hoot about the Keystone Upgrades? Do you think they want a multi-billion tunnel going through Baltimore when they can't even get daily service? Do you think passengers in Texas and OK want to pay the full costs of their service while passengers on the NEC get a free pass? How many of them are going to Philadelphia? How many of them are going to Baltimore? How many of the are going to Mystic, Kingston or Elizabethtown? Why does someone in Hawaii have to subsidize the Auto Train?
Who are you to take away from other taxpayers and give to others? Are you Robin Hood? Are you a Congress person? That's their job and they do it well enough! Why is it satisfactory for you to be selfish but everyone else has to acquiesce to the fund sucking NEC and any other service you "deem" acceptable? It is this line of thinking that brought us the PRIIA funding formula. The whining about what am I getting for my money and why am I paying for such and such.
Along those lines, let's address this:
I don't mind Vermonter, Ethan Allen, Heartland Flyer, etc because while as you pointed out federal tax dollars do support state supported services, a large majority is state funded ("The Keystone Service and Pennsylvanian are financed primarily through funds made available by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.") You may be paying federal tax money towards the Pennsylvanian but unless you live in PA, you're not paying state taxes while I am. On the other hand, West Virginia residents pay ZERO state taxes on the Cardinal so all of us are paying the same federal taxes on the train even though WV benefits from it far more than the rest of us. So there is a big difference between state funded and federal funded service and it doesn't change the fact that if Pennsylvania stops funding the Pennsylvanian it goes away.
That is hogwash and you know it. For the taxes most of the country pays, they get 2 trains a day....if they're lucky. Some may get a little more service and some may get slightly less service. The same federal taxes that West Virginia and Montana pays contributed to the Keystone Corridor. Hell, Wyoming, Alaska and South Dakota help pay for the Keystone and NEC upgrades and they don't have ANY service.
So, once again I'll say, let's not get it twisted. Your state taxes primarily fund the service. For your contribution, you have 120 trains pass through your area. However, the rest of the nation is financing THE MAJORITY of the infrastructure costs that ALLOWS PA to fund the Keystones. How many trains would PA be able to operate if the rest of the nations wasn't paying the BILLIONS it takes to operate, maintain and support their portion of the NEC (as suggested by the Amtrak Reform Council of 1997) and Keystone service?
I notice you ALWAYS gloss right over that factoid. The reality of the situation is your fares should be a lot higher, your taxes should be a lot higher to cover the service patterns you and the rest of the NEC rider have. You should consider yourself LUCKY that the Northeast Coalition channeled their inner Senator Byrd and got the NEC EXEMPT from the 750 mile rule!
In the past, I have heard jjs say (without prompting from me) that he considered it a mistake to kill the BL and questioned Congress's intentions to kill it before it was killed. At least he gets it. Others still would like to see it back. My impression from you has been us in PA deserved to lose the BL and we should've done more to save it. Do you even care it's gone or care if it ever comes back? Do you even want the through cars implemented? You sound like you don't, in fact you sound like you're glad it's gone.
Whether I care or don't care is quite irrelevant. However, since you're not know for your reading or searching skills, I'll let you know that I've had these types of discussions long before you decided to sign up with your singular message. I think you would enjoy the topic in which I made a
post regarding which of the of Chicago trains I would have liked to preserve.. I've mentioned my opinion know to
you on this board. It can also be found
on my wish list.
If you're trying to change my selfish behavior, pitting the BL on us is only going to make me more selfish. You want me to care that some of you may lose your train, how many of you cared at all that we lost ours? How many of you have lost your #1 train like I have? Maybe if you did, you'd understand my behavior more.
another conversation that basically sums up everything I stated here. This time, the target was the Downeasters, which is a service I don't use. I don't like so see any trains cut and I don't necessarily mind selfishness but it shouldn't come at the expense of others. As you can see, my selfishness would eliminate the Downeasters and Pigeon. Why? I want the Cape Codder back. I want the Montrealer back, I want the Auto Train to venture further north/east. I want the Silver Star to serve ST Pete. I want the Gulf Breeze to return.
I also wanted a pony when I was young.
However, I do care about of eliminating service that people actually care about and fight to preserve. So when you ask if I think if Pa could have done more to save it, the answer is a resounding yes. I think they could also do more to resurrect as many of the other states did. However, the states that it would serve have shown minimal desire for it to return. the ADMIN on the other board asked you to cite or link anything concrete that the legislators have done to restore service. He's asked for polls or anything other than All Aboard Ohio or a blog that shows the interest. It is minimal. let's even look at your contribution:
As for contacting Congress/PA government, most contact from a single person goes in one ear and out the other. Even a few NARP campaigns have fallen on deaf ears. If I thought I could make a difference, I would. BTW, I did email Senator Casey and actually got a response back (although i am not sure it was him or one of his staffers).
That's true but clearly you have given up. You have a neighbor that poo-poos the second PGH frequency and you expect us to feel sorry for your plight and steal someones train. You also expect us to attack the trains that exist because they don't fit your narrow vision.
Feel free to be selfish. However, most are tired of hearing it when the reality of the situation is your state gets a HUGE bargain and doesn't lobby for additional long distance service.