YES! (hic)FC Acela "unlimited alcohol"????
YES! (hic)FC Acela "unlimited alcohol"????
Don't forget the 'fancy food' ! :lol: You would think sleeper pax would get that, and be wrong!! :huh:YES! (hic)FC Acela "unlimited alcohol"????![]()
I'm here Bill. Here's the list you were referring to.
Many thanks, Sean. it is always good to hear from you.I'm here Bill. Here's the list you were referring to.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences to & yours. We lost a dear friend & his wife- IIRC, same year, motorcycle hit by a truck. His name was Steve too.Steven is a friend/fraternity brother who passed away back in 06. He was the passenger in a car that hit a tree.
Great list. A few suggestions....OK, here's a start at a useful-for-newcomers list of abbreviations and descriptions. It's not totally comprehensive, but it's a good start.
toNYP = New York City
HHP8s are very very very rarely seen on the Keystone Corridor.**PRIMARY PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVES**HHP8 = newer electric locomotive, in service on Northeast Corridor and Keystone Corridor; introduced 2000; numbered 650-664
I agree with GML these are usually refered to as P32ACDMP32 = dual-mode diesel/electric locomotives, in use on the Empire Service; introduced 1995; numbered 700-717
Actually they are shorter than Superliners by some 4 to 6 inches, I forget the exact difference off the top of my head.PPC = Pacific Parlor Car, not technically a Superliner car but the same height and two-level, lounge and food service car reserved for sleeper passengers, only runs on the Coast Starlight
AMF IIs have single vestibule and larger windows. AMF Is have vestibules at both end and gun-slit windowsAmfleet (AMF) = single-level cars, recognizable by their round, fluted bodies; AMF I cars are intended for shorter distances, while AMF II cars are more comfortable and intended for longer distances; there are also AMF Cafes and Business Class cars of several configurations
To be fair I'd say "restricted to 135mph or below", and remove the phrase "just like every other Northeast Corridor train due to track conditions" because that is just not true. They do travel faster than other NEC trains on several segments now between NYP and WAS.Acela = "high-speed" trainsets in use on the Northeast Corridor capable of operation at 150mph on a few stretches of track but restricted along most of their route to 125mph or below just like every other Northeast Corridor train due to track conditions, featuring large windows, spacious seating, and a very smooth ride
The airport code for Wenatchee, WA is EAT, which comes from the marketing slogan of "Eat Washington apples!" So, if you're flying from Wenatchee to Fresno, you'd be flying EAT-FAT.If you think that SUX, how about if you lived in Fresno, California? :huh: The airport code is FAT!And then there is the airport at Sioux City, IA. It's been stuck with this code: SUX :lol: I think if I were among the good citizens of Sioux City, I'd be wanting to change that.![]()
FT has an acronym dictionary easily found from one of the top-of-screen menus on any given page (it's under "Glossary" in the Help menu). I vote we do something similar to Wayman's and battalion51's lists! We might want to add some of the frequently used more general Internet discussion forum abbreviations (IIRC, OTOH, BTW, etc.)Wayman, what a brilliant work of art.
The OP (orignal poster) owes you dinner----for about a month!!!
In fact I think we all owe you dinner. I, for one, am going to print this out for my own use.
Aloha Bill and AllActually, Wayman I think varnish originally referred to passenger trains as such, as opposed to freight trains.
Private cars from the era when the word varnish was still used a lot came to be called "private'' varnish.
But it is that it is a passenger car that makes it varnish , not the fact that if is private.The fact that the word varnish is now otherwise out of date sort of confuses the point I am trying to make.
Hope I am making some sense.
I love this one:I'm here Bill. Here's the list you were referring to.
OK, how many of you can raise your hand as a "Raildork"? :lol:Raildork - Term to describe an individual overly obssesed with trains to the point that they carry large cameras around their neck, wear hats with way too many pins on them, are usually social outcasts unable to communicate with many in society, and despised by most train crews since they generally are a hassle and a pain in the neck since they have little to no people skills, think they will one day be a railroad employee, but in all reality will never get a job with a railroad or move out of their parents house, also favorite target of train crews as they throw crew packs or bottles of water AT them, not to them.
That is so funny!! :lol: It reminds me of "Little League Baseball Dork Dad". I am sure you have seen him around. You know the one I am talking about. The guy who never played the game himself but is living vicariously through his son or daughter who is on the Little League team. He brings his chair so he can sit right behind the home plate and coach from the sidelines. From the time the game starts till it ends he is coaching from his chair. He yells things like, shoulder up, level swing now level swing, eyes on the ball, pay attention keep the bat up, run run, slide slide, move to the left, move to the right, move up, move back, big hitter at the plate get ready, hey the play is on first throw to first, two outs, two strikes, full count, pay attention, do your hear me, hey umpire that was a ball are you blind, and on and on the entire game. All other parents are rolling their eyes and moving farther and farther away to not be near him. Poor kid is embarrassed by dork dad.I love this one:I'm here Bill. [/url]
OK, how many of you can raise your hand as a "Raildork"? :lol:Raildork - Term to describe an individual overly obssesed with trains to the point that they carry large cameras around their neck, wear hats with way too many pins on them, are usually social outcasts unable to communicate with many in society, and despised by most train crews since they generally are a hassle and a pain in the neck since they have little to no people skills, think they will one day be a railroad employee, but in all reality will never get a job with a railroad or move out of their parents house, also favorite target of train crews as they throw crew packs or bottles of water AT them, not to them.