Abilene hopes Amtrak comes

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Superliner Diner

Aug 23, 2002
Amtrak, a national passenger rail service, might bring its rail lines to Abilene.
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison worked with a coalition Jan. 17 to restore full funding for Amtrak this year, bringing its total from $762.5 million to $1.2 billion, according to a press release.
The full story is here.
This is interesting, Superliner Diner, although the article is from the (small) university student newspaper.

Sen. Hutchison is a longtime Amtrak supporter and her "Don't Mess With Texas" attitude has suceeded in keeping the Texas Eagle and Sunset Limited running.

This may be some pie-in-the-sky, wishful thinking for those students at ACU. Thanks for sharing it, though.

-- The Chief
This is interesting, Superliner Diner, although the article is from the (small) university student newspaper.
True it's a student publication, but the possibility of a Dallas-Denver train, which would be known as the Caprock Chief, has been supported by larger newspapers as well as local and national rail passenger advocacy organizations.
Ok I feel I should make this clear, the guest who is referring to themselves as "The Chief" (which is seems to be a ripoff on my signature) is not me. Just thought I'd clarify in case there was any confusion.
battalion51 said:
Ok I feel I should make this clear, the guest who is referring to themselves as "The Chief" (which is seems to be a ripoff on my signature) is not me. Just thought I'd clarify in case there was any confusion.
I figured on that after a couple of posts.
Viewliner said:
battalion51 said:
Ok I feel I should make this clear, the guest who is referring to themselves as "The Chief" (which is seems to be a ripoff on my signature) is not me. Just thought I'd clarify in case there was any confusion.
I figured on that after a couple of posts.
Mr. battalion 51:

That appears to be your name that you registered on this site.

Note I am not ripping off your name.

Now, is your name battalion 51, as your logon / site profile indicates, or is your name The Chief?

Do you use multiple names?

FYI, the reason I use The Chief is because I'm from a longtime Santa Fe Railway family, and Nos. 19-20, The Chief, were two of the line's premier trains.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

- - - - - - - - - - The Chief
Once again . . .

Mr. battalion 51:

That appears to be your name that you registered on this site.

Note I am not ripping off your name.

Now, is your name battalion 51, as your logon / site profile indicates, or is your name The Chief?

Or, do you use multiple names?

Would like to read your answers, as you alleged that I am a "ripoff" (your words). Thanks.

- - - - - - - - - - - The Chief
Well, back to the subject guys. LOL. I am confused about the routing of this rain. In the article it looks like it would run from Dallas to El Paso via Abiliene. I looked at a map of Texas, and this looks like the route of an exisiting freight line. I dont see a Dallas-Denver train operating on a route via abiliene.

This looks like a route that was discussed when there was a plan to reroute the Sunset Limited via Dallas.
The Chief said:
Once again . . .Mr. battalion 51:

That appears to be your name that you registered on this site.

Note I am not ripping off your name.

Now, is your name battalion 51, as your logon / site profile indicates, or is your name The Chief?

Or, do you use multiple names?

Would like to read your answers, as you alleged that I am a "ripoff" (your words). Thanks.

- - - - - - - - - - - The Chief
Ok, explination was all I was looking for. If you read the signature at the bottom of each of my posts you'll notice that it says

"The Chief

P098 Clear North End Hartt

Amtrak Florida"

The first line of my signature is where I got the impression that you were ripping off my name. I would suggest that you join our little forum here so that you get te additional member benefits of an Avatar, Personal Messaging between members, and so on.
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