You and your uncle seem like such positive people that you would find good in all the trains you took. But, looking back on your trip, is there one that stands out as a favorite?
Oh, good! We have somebody else fooled! :lol:
Believe me, if the trip had been a disaster, I would have reported on that too. But it wasn't. The downer of course was being on the SL when it hit a trespasser, causing us to lose 3 hours and 20 minutes. But the overall effect was to be late into Los Angeles about an hour, which got us there at 6:30 AM: better than it getting in on time or early, like at 4:30 AM. So even the worst part had as far as I'm concerned a positive for us. Not so, of course, for the family and friends of the man killed.
And while I thought the service was good to great, there are some that wouldn't think so, saying it's nothing to brag about when Amtrak employees are simply doing their job. But without exception, all of the employees we encountered were pleasant, enthusiastic, and were happy to be of service. I have had some that were none of the three. I guess it's the state of affairs these days that I almost hesitated even doing this trip report because of some AU'ers who cast doubt upon any bit of good news about Amtrak trips, going so far as to question people who have them.
h34r: I think some people are not happy unless they are not happy.
In fact I had to wonder which AU'er Knitting Lady was. :lol:
As for which train I liked best, I'd have to say it was the California Zephyr. The SCA, Johnny, and the LSA, Joyce, and our server, Michael, treated us and the rest of the passengers like best of friends. It was easy to see they really cared about customer service and about their job. Johnny was a throwback, keeing coffee on all day and having a basket of candy available, not to mention juice and fresh fruit all day. And chocolate mints on our beds after he had made them up for the night. And you can't beat the scenery on the CZ, especially through the Sierra Nevadas and and the canyons and mountains of Colorado. I liked the Cardinal and Sunset LImited, too, as I had never been on the Cardinal nor the New Orleans-San Antonio leg of the SL. It's always great to be able to cross routes of my Amtrak bucket list!