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I got blocked by 92. Maybe one shot is somewhat decent, but it looked way out of focus since the camera didn't have time to do its thing before the train was past.

Maybe tomorrow morning.
#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
Haha, probably, but even with the priority, I'm sure there's plenty of padding in the schedule as well.
#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
It is reported that for a little while Boardman was in the cab.

At Philadelphia we got to see the inside of the cab from an open door. The place was crawling with Amtrak staff, and rail enthusiasts like me + the obligatory Amtrak Police and K-9 units.

The Chief Editor of Railway Age got to ride in the cab from New York Penn Station to Newark Penn Station.
So here's my sad story, in pictures.

Have "The Talk" with the boss around 2:00. "Hey, I'm pretty much wrapped up, I'm going to slip out a little early." I've convinced him to try Amtrak to NY for a trip next month, so he knows I'm into trains, so I tell him I'm off to shoot a brand new locomotive. He wishes me luck.

3:00: Time to head out. It's sunny, warm (mid-40's at least), and I'm rolling out early on a Friday to shoot some trains. All is well in the world.

3:15: I arrive at the station, and line up on the northbound platform, which is where I usually shoot from. The s/b platform has crappy sight lines and generally sucks for photography. Checking the schedule, I see a northbound MARC train is due in at 3:51 and projected to be on time. Crap. 171 is due out of BWI at 3:44. 5 minutes or so to get here, and running a couple minutes late puts the MARC train in the station blocking my view at the expected time of 171. If I go all the way to the North end of the platform, I can be in front of the train as it stops, but once it starts to leave, I'm screwed for about 1 minute while the train rolls by.

I decide to take the other platform and the certain shot (even if it is a crappy one) over the risk of missing it. As I'm leaving to cross under the tracks, I see another guy with a camera showing up. As I'm walking towards the stairs to cross under the tracks, we get the first action of the day. First in the chute is Acela Express 2170. Engineer gives a friendly toot on the horn, I get a passable (if boring) shot. ISO on the camera is too high (the high shutter speed is why the LED sign looks messed up), this is why you show up early and throw some test shots. This is looking south towards Washington:

ACS-64_FAIL_8 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

I get over to the other side, and quickly remember why I never shoot there. It sucks. Decide to go back to the good side and risk it.

Once one the other side, fellow rail fan is setting up 20 yards further south than I like to shoot. If I go to my preferred spot, I'm going to be right in my shot. Since I left, he was there "first" and I lost my shot. Hang out with him and talk trains for a bit. We both talk about how nervous we are that the MARC train is going to ruin our shot.

While we're talking, it becomes Train Time in Odenton. 6 trains in 15 minutes. Normally I'd be thrilled.

3:37: First of the bunch is MARC 537, making it's express run to DC. This is pretty much the shot of 171 that I'm looking for.

ACS-64_FAIL_7 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

3:44: Next up is a deadhead MARC - this is a Camden line train set that leaves DC a little after 2 and makes a revenue trip to Baltimore, then deadheads back to DC to make a Camden line run. Again, this is where 171 is going to be in a few minutes. At this point the observant reader will notice the two tracks between the train and I. Tracks that can (and will!) be filled with trains.

ACS-64_FAIL_6 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

3:47: Not 3 minutes later, other guy and I are looking both ways. 171 left BWI on time 3 minutes ago. Who is going to show up first? MARC, or the good stuff? Seeing a light to the south, we're disappointed, then realize "Hey, that's on 2 track! Moar Amtrak?!?". Welcome regional 134 to the party. At least I get a good AEM-7 shout out of the day.

ACS-64_FAIL_5 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr
3:51: Still looking both ways. Trains seem to be everywhere. Will MARC show up and ruin the shot, or will be rewarded for our patience? Uh oh. Lights to the south. But it isn't the MARC, it's Amtrak 92, showing up earlier than expected!

ACS-64_FAIL_4 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

May as well get a shot of the diner (they're not long for this world either) and the sleepers bringing up the rear:

ACS-64_FAIL_3 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

It's about this point in time other dude says something to the effect of "CRAP, HERE IT IS!!!". There was probably some profanity involved. I spin around and see the pantograph of the elusive ACS-64 over the top of the Viewliner Sleepers. CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!!!! Bring the camera up and get ready for the snapshot - maybe I'll get lucky.

Not really:

ACS-64_FAIL_2 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

You can see my photographer friend just on the right edge of the frame, hoping for the same thing. This is it. Wait 40 minutes, and a train is in the way for the crucial 5 seconds.

Remembering that 10001 is bringing up the markers, I persevere.

ACS-64_FAIL_1 by Ryan Stavely, on Flickr

There it goes, unshot by me. In the distance you can see the headlights of the MARC train coming up one track. We'd have gotten the shot had it hadn't been for that meddling 92.

TOMORROW MORNING! Try #2!!!! I like shooting northbound better, so I'm hopeful of success.
#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
It is reported that for a little while Boardman was in the cab.
Jishnu there's a photo with the new Amtrak Joe in the cab in the fireman's seat.
That's probably my favorite picture from today.
You can also attach them here by clicking on the "Attach Files" button cleverly hidden below this window:

#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
Haha, probably, but even with the priority, I'm sure there's plenty of padding in the schedule as well.
#171 (7) was on the normal schedule from Boston to Lynchburg. The padding is part of the normal schedule including 8 minutes at PHL.
#171 (7) arrived at WAS 2 minutes early. The latest it got on the trip was 7 minutes late at New London. I'm sure it got the extra priority treatment today.
Haha, probably, but even with the priority, I'm sure there's plenty of padding in the schedule as well.
#171 (7) was on the normal schedule from Boston to Lynchburg. The padding is part of the normal schedule including 8 minutes at PHL.
The 8 minutes of padding is for 2159 to pass by. It's scheduled to depart the same time as 2159 but holds for the signal indication.

If one looks at the photo attached in the link.. This is the best shot of the day IMO.. A toaster passes 600 at WIL.
Nathanael, what is impressive? Would annual budgeting drop below $2Bn? What has it been over the past 10 years, somewhere between $2Bn and $3Bn? Wiki says it has been around $2.6Bn but then there are entries above it that say Total Appropriations are just around $1.4Bn.

I just like to know that I am right when I argue that just $2.6Bn gets us an entire passenger transportation mode in online debates. $1.4Bn would be even better but I don't know if it is true.

The estimate of $15 million in energy savings per year got me thinking and adding things up.

Amtrak has a rough 2014 to get through, but there's a lot of things coming down the pike which will improve Amtrak's bottom line. Paying off the Penn Station Mortgage in 2017 is a notable one, as are the great mass of ARRA projects which have a 2017 deadline. And of course the much-delayed Viewliner IIs, and the "corridor bilevels". It's harder to predict the effect of vaguer things like the various news stations and development of urban rail systems which connect to Amtrak or the general "trend" towards train travel, but they all seem to be good. If Amtrak can manage to, well, manage things properly for the next few years (fix the unacceptable pricing bug on the website, put out service alerts promptly when something goes wrong, etc.) the financial numbers which Congress looks at should look very impressive in 2018.
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