Adding Amtrak Reservation to Amtrak App possible?

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Train Attendant
Jan 8, 2010
Niagara Falls, ON/Wilmington, DE

A couple months ago, I used my Amtrak Guest Rewards points to buy a ticket on Amtrak (WIL-NYP-NFS). Is there a way I can have it automatically show from within the Amtrak App? The only way I can bring that reservation up is if I enter the reservation number and either my phone number or email address.

Thank you in advance,
Tom Martiin
I have an iPhone and when I search my reservations, sometimes they are automatically added to the home page of the app and sometimes not. I have a trip from NHV to WAS and that isn't showing on my app, but my return trip and a short excursion on the Cap Ltd is right there when I open the app.... no rhyme or reason. I just add them to my wallet app and the ticket is saved to my phone, not the app.

If you have an android then this probably won't help....
I save my eTickets to Docs-To-Go on my phone. I know others also save their eTickets to similar apps on their phones.

Also, not sure if it's still true, but when the app first came out, only reservations you made via the app would appear.
Same here, you can "look up" an AGR reservation but, it won't automatically display. Regular (non-AGR) reservations made via the website will automatically display.

I usually just store the pdf ticket and use that rather than the app when I board the train.
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Thank you all for your help. I did a search on this site and found a post that said I could call the Amtrak reservation on the app beforehand, and save screen shots of the reservation's QR Code. I will try it that way, but I also have the pdf saved on my phone as a back up just in case.

Thank you again
I've had success logging out of the app and logging back in. My 'missing' reservations popped right up when I logged back in.
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