AGR Mall, Can't Access Today???

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Aug 10, 2009
Baltimore/DC Area
Shopped there yesterday, no problemo. Tried today, asked for log-in, I logged in, AGAIN, but screen stays unchanged. Tried in Chrome and Safari. Rebooted.

Anyone else having issues, or seen a notice about "maint" or anything?
I just tried at 10:20 and had the same problem.

Do your Holiday shopping earlier! :p :giggle:
I guess so, just tried again, no-loggy-in-to-Mall-for-me..............

Well, for whatever good it does, I reported to Amtrak AGR via email:

"Cannot log into POINTS FOR SHOPPING. Have emailed other AGR members, they report same problem. Tried this AM at 8:26, and again at 1:03PM, NO GO.

Closed Browsers, cleared cache, even rebooted laptop and tried in Safari, IE 11, Chrome, and Firefox. Seems like it's something on your end. Goes to "Points Log In Page" OK, but after entering F Name, L Name, and member number............. NOTHING
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