Airo - Amfleet I replacement Siemens Inter City Trainsets (ICT) (2-4Q 2024-2025)

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It seems to me there's also a question of whether the Oregon Talgos will stay in the fleet for protection or possible expansion.
I've heard that rumor float around too, with the potential to keep them in Oregon (since they are ODOT assets) with a cross platform transfer for the runs they are utilized in. Time will tell of course, but it wouldn't hurt to keep them around in some capacity to have more trainsets available.

That said, a refurbishment at any level wouldn't hurt since they appear to be untouched since 2013 and its showing.

Keeping things Airo, I'm glad the Airo Maintenance Facility was announced for Seattle finally, as the similar Philly one just broke ground.
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I've heard that rumor float around too, with the potential to keep them in Oregon (since they are ODOT assets) with a cross platform transfer for the runs they are utilized in. Time will tell of course, but it wouldn't hurt to keep them around in some capacity to have more trainsets available.

That said, a refurbishment at any level wouldn't hurt since they appear to be untouched since 2013 and its showing.

Keeping things Airo, I'm glad the Airo Maintenance Facility was announced for Seattle finally, as the similar Philly one just broke ground.
The Talgo maintenance facility would have to be moved from Seattle, though. That could be a prohibitive expense.
I wonder why the Airo maintenance base will be in Philadelphia. Wouldn't having it in Washington, D.C., or Boston make sense? Not many trains originate or terminate in Philadelphia.
Not sure; however, both yards that you mentioned are still two of the five yards (not including Philadelphia) expected to receive upgrades to handle the Airo train sets, which will probably include some sort of maintenance facility since Seattle is also one of the yards.

The Keystones are a fair point too.
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I wonder why the Airo maintenance base will be in Philadelphia. Wouldn't having it in Washington, D.C., or Boston make sense? Not many trains originate or terminate in Philadelphia.
My guess is more room to work with first, then not having it in Boston allows it to be utilized by Keystones and other south of DC services that go up to NYC.
I could be mistaken but I thought that the Race Street shops are meant to be heavy maintenance shops rather than overnight servicing facility.

It's meant for both S&I (Service and Inspection) which is what is done every night, as well as a heavy maintenance site. Currently Philadelphia has a car shop that specializes in servicing the Cab Cars.
It's meant for both S&I (Service and Inspection) which is what is done every night, as well as a heavy maintenance site. Currently Philadelphia has a car shop that specializes in servicing the Cab Cars.
Yes, for the Keystone sets. Or is the plan to drag out all New York terminating/overnightling sets to Philadelphia for servicing and then drag them back to Sunnsyide or NYP for New York originating? I would suspect that the latter is not the case.
Yes, for the Keystone sets. Or is the plan to drag out all New York terminating/overnightling sets to Philadelphia for servicing and then drag them back to Sunnsyide or NYP for New York originating? I would suspect that the latter is not the case.
We currently have 2 Regional trains that start in Philly 6 days a week and 1 on Sunday. The plan is to also have Acela’s start out of Philadelphia as well once the facility is completed and open.
I think the purpose of the upgrades to Race Street beyond just standard modernization is to increase the capacity for heavy maintenance for Airo’s in the system long term. Frequencies (and working sets) will need to increase before too long, especially with the kind of paltry 8 car consists (that yes I know can be theoretically expanded) planned. Philadelphia is also very much a blue collar city still with a fairly large pool of people skilled in that kind of work, so it may prove much easier to fill positions here than the more expensive New York and Washington. Father Judge High School for boys has, for example, launched an innovative program to get students jobs in welding. Many have gone to work for Amtrak. A new automotive track opened this year. I could see either them or someone else (as the success of the program is inspiring other schools) opening a track for heavier machine maintenance. I don’t know the extent to which this might be a national trend.
I think the purpose of the upgrades to Race Street beyond just standard modernization is to increase the capacity for heavy maintenance for Airo’s in the system long term. Frequencies (and working sets) will need to increase before too long, especially with the kind of paltry 8 car consists (that yes I know can be theoretically expanded) planned. Philadelphia is also very much a blue collar city still with a fairly large pool of people skilled in that kind of work, so it may prove much easier to fill positions here than the more expensive New York and Washington. Father Judge High School for boys has, for example, launched an innovative program to get students jobs in welding. Many have gone to work for Amtrak. A new automotive track opened this year. I could see either them or someone else (as the success of the program is inspiring other schools) opening a track for heavier machine maintenance. I don’t know the extent to which this might be a national trend.
Good News indeed!,We need more of this everywhere, not everyone is suited for College or Computer jobs, and so called Blue Collar Jobs are the ticket to a Good Career!

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