Amtrak 303 for 12/10 engine breakdown between summit and Joliet

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Aug 27, 2002
My GF is on the train. She just called me. She's doing well in business class and not upset. Knows I will enjoy the rail fan drama.

A replacement engine was sent from chicago. GF said the conductor explained that an air compressor on the engine caused the problem.
I was on 305 last night with 68 and 48189 cafe/biz car. Heat not working in biz class most of us were using our coats to keep warm. Biz class was right behind the engine so the Engineers would walk through and bring the cold along with them. Good times.
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305 has had a heat/air conditioning problem for at least two years that I know of. Apparently 303 has the same problem. Paying a higher price for BC when coach is probably much better doesn't make a lot of sense. I have taken 302 coach and it was a much nicer car. Cleaner and newer.
What are CBs?

Looks like 306 was cancelled. Wonder how this will all shake out for tomorrow. I was taking 301 to Stl to meet gf and ride back with her on 306 tomorrow night. It looks like Amtrak will be short equipment tomorrow. Wonder what will happen?
CBs are circuit breakers and as posted elsewhere are located on the outside of Amfleet cars and cannot be reset while moving. The CBs may have tripped for the heating elements. Poor design. Do not know their design but if they are not completely sealed then if in snow --------- you can guess the rest.
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Yes. The Midwest Bi-level order. The cars are being built by Nippon sharyo in Rochelle, Illinois. There have been delays. I think we might see new cars in the next year.

Seimans is building new charger locomotives that will replace the engines in use now. Some of these have been tested and will be delivered soon.
303 2 hours late on Monday. Something happened between Aln and stl. I'm on 306 back out.
Is there anything in the works to replace these worn out cars on the Lincoln Service/
There was a major order for replacement cars in the Midwest to be built by Nippon/Sharyo. However, the prototype cars have been unable to pass required crash and stress tests. Since federal funding for this project runs out soon, it is not clear where new passenger cars for AMTRAK will come from. At the same time, an order for new Siemens Charger locomotives is on track with deliveries starting in 2017.
Is there anything in the works to replace these worn out cars on the Lincoln Service/
There was a major order for replacement cars in the Midwest to be built by Nippon/Sharyo. However, the prototype cars have been unable to pass required crash and stress tests. Since federal funding for this project runs out soon, it is not clear where new passenger cars for AMTRAK will come from. At the same time, an order for new Siemens Charger locomotives is on track with deliveries starting in 2017.
The order is not cancelled, at least not in the public records at this moment, I certainly hope that the new round of cars pass their tests, as we need them now.
The order is not cancelled and I believe there have been reports on this board that the prototype has passed the crash test and work is in progress, with a number of employees called back to work. It looks like they are aiming for a 2018 completion date. Nothing has left the factory yet, so we'll see.
The prototype HAS NOT passed any new crush test. Actually, according to the December AASHTO meeting minutes, there has been more delay at NS.
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