I do, though nothing official. As I understand it, as many as eight of what was once a total of 28 Seattle Horizon coaches are at least temporarily out of service now and because of that, one of our seven Horizon sets has had to be dismantled until at least the end of this month so that all remaining Cascades Horizon sets have some hope of each having three coaches (they're all supposed to have four, and only one does now). This leave us with virtually no backup equipment. Also, for some reason, there's now no longer any word on when the damaged Talgo Mt. Bachelor will be back. I think it's possible that the mess caused by the recent missing Sounder commuter coach maintenance records and the frantic catch-up that Amtrak is having to do on that (Amtrak Seattle Maintenance maintains Sounder commuter trains under contract for Sound Transit), plus continuing personnel shortages may be contributing to this mess.