That brought back memories of my time riding trains in India.Realistically you can do 5 seatings of 44 per seating in current Diners which is 220. So to serve a train with 1650 or so would require a very large number of Dining Cars in the train.
This is the reason that Indian Railways pretty much gave up on Dining Cars when they realized that passenger demand was such that they will have to run many doze 24 car trains to come anywhere close to meeting demand, and transitioned to service at seat with ordering for food evolving to use Smartphone Apps. There really is no other viable way to serve such volumes of customers. Before biting the bullet, in a last gasp attempt to save the Diner (or Restaurant Car as they are called in that part of the world) they had these wonderful twin unit married pair AC Dining/Kitchen/Dorm sets. But then they saw the writing on the wall and gave up on Dining Cars. This was back in the early '70s.
As long as you can keep your trains10-12 cars you can manage with several Dining Cars. A 25 Car Canadian IIRC operated with upto 5 Dining Cars in the longest incarnation of it that I have been on. That is verging on the impractical.
Fortunately I doubt that Amtrak trains will ever have to deal with that sort of demand, so they may be able to pull it off with at most two Diners per train and some additional seating in Lounges perhaps, as they do on the Auto Train.
My wife and I rode the Mahajara Express and the Deecan Odyssey and those were impressive trains with impeccable service and food.
Indian railway was pretty good too, while the food was not fancy by any means, if one likes Indian food, especially Indian Veg, they were very tasty.
I still have memories of the Bhaingan Bharta (Eggplant Curry) with warm Naan that Indian Railway served in the Executive Class Car.
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