Reading these posts, it strikes me that no matter how much effort is put into the food, presenting a limited menu is going to end up not satisfying everybody. This is true on the Candian, with better food service than Amtrak, it was true when I did my ride on Hockory Creek, with very good cooked-on[board food, and, come to think of it, it was true when I was in college. Out dining hall had pretty good food dished up by ARA, but they only had 3 entree choices. If you didn't like the choices, tough luck, either pick one, or call for pizza delivery to your dorm room.
Thus, I do not expect some sort of sublime culinary experience when I'm fed on a mode of transport like a train or a plane. As long as the food is edible and I get reliably fed during a long trip, I'm fine. I can save the fine dining experience for a real restaurant when I get to my destination, or when I get home.