Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H1

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It's quite possible that Aramark doesn't actually prepare the meals, but might be getting them from an outside vendor.
That is probably the case, given the size of their operations.

Here is some more information on the food services they provide: "Aramark is an American food service and facilities services provider to clients in areas including education, prisons, healthcare, business, and leisure. It operates in North America and an additional 14 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Chile, the Republic of Ireland, and Spain."

Some of the old AU posts made mention of the fact that they provide food to prisons and wondered how their prison food compared to flex meals. Hmmmm.
The quality of the flex meals is wildly inconsistent, as is the service associated with it. But I've also had some dud meals in traditional dining, too. One thing about post covid Amtrak dining that is a bummer is that it's much less likely to get the social aspect of meeting new people at meals, though I will admit that I did have a little of that on my last Empire Builder trip in November.
I guess it is time to check in again. In the fall of 2023, I recall some posters who indicated that they had inside knowledge of Amtrak's operations and plans indicated that traditional dining would be restored on the Lake Shore in late 2023 or early 2024.

It is now mid-year 2024. Traditional dining has not been restored to the Lake Shore. Instead all we have gotten is a plate and a tablecloth.

It is very sad. My first trip on Amtrak was on the eastbound Empire Builder in June 1971. I have had many, many trips since. It used to be a nice service but now it is often pathetic. It still is nice sometimes but other times it is barely passable. Except of course the Northeast Corridor which overall seems to be well run operation.
Aramark does all kinds of food service operations. It's up to the customer to specify what price point and how much onsite prep is required.
Exactly. Aramark has supplied food for Amtrak for quite some time now correct? Wasn't the Lamb Shank, Mahi-Mahi, Crab Cakes, etc. from the "Chef inspired" meals provided by Aramark?

Aramark is not the problem, they will supply what the client orders.
It is now mid-year 2024. Traditional dining has not been restored to the Lake Shore. Instead all we have gotten is a plate and a tablecloth.
And a flower. One mustn't forget the flower.
Exactly. Aramark has supplied food for Amtrak for quite some time now correct? Wasn't the Lamb Shank, Mahi-Mahi, Crab Cakes, etc. from the "Chef inspired" meals provided by Aramark?

Aramark is not the problem, they will supply what the client orders.
Yes, those meals were all after Aramark started providing commissary services. Aramark isn't the problem. What Amtrak specs is.
On our Grand Canyon North Rim trip ( PHL-WLO) this past may on the first leg with the Cardinal the cafe/diner light was empty so the food service people said take any table that you wish. It was the same coming back and we sat alone. On the SW Chief the dining car was more crowded so we sat with other couples. One was interested in hiking as we were, so it was a nice conversation. We ordered the steaks and they were pretty good. On the Cardinal we were given the "Flex" meals and we all know how terrible they are. If you read the label on the aluminum package that they are served in, you will find an ingredient list full of chemicals, preservatives, salt and sugar.
On the Cardinal we were given the "Flex" meals and we all know how terrible they are. If you read the label on the aluminum package that they are served in, you will find an ingredient list full of chemicals, preservatives, salt and sugar.
Someone once posted that the Kosher Flex meals don't have all these ingredients and are a better option, even for those who are not Jewish. (If we were ever on a LD train that served Flex meals, that's what we'd order.) Kosher Flex meals apparently have to be requested in advance.
The meals my wife and I ate were by a company called Factor.

I just Googled them and they are owned by HelloFresh (which is a German company).
Those who have posted unfavorable comments here about Flex Meals undoubtedly represent only a very small fraction of long-distance travelers who feel the same way about them. It seems unlikely that, after all the years that Flex Meals have been around, Amtrak is unaware of how many people feel about them. So then why hasn’t something been done to come up with something better? There are apparently other companies making microwavable meals that are acceptable, so why not request that Aramark supply these meals in place of those they have been supplying?
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Someone once posted that the Kosher Flex meals don't have all these ingredients and are a better option, even for those who are not Jewish. (If we were ever on a LD train that served Flex meals, that's what we'd order.) Kosher Flex meals apparently have to be requested in advance.
That was a trick that very savvy airline passengers would do in the 1970s even if not themselves kosher.
Those who have posted unfavorable comments here about Flex Meals undoubtedly represent only a very small fraction of long-distance travelers who feel the same way about them.
I think they represent a much larger fraction. Anyone who had traditional dining pretty much finds them okay at best.
It seems unlikely that, after all the years that Flex Meals have been around, Amtrak is unaware of how many people feel about them. So then why hasn’t something been done to come up with something better? There are apparently other companies making microwavable meals that are acceptable, so why not request that Aramark supply these meals in place of those they have been supplying?
I don't think ridership has really suffered from it, so Amtrak doesn't have a huge incentive to change it.
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