Elon hates trains, and has made that clear in various ways over the years. He came up with Hyperloop to sabotage or "steal the thunder" of California HSR. All his tunneling plans involve personal vehicles or capsules rather than trains, to the point that his one operating tunnel in Las Vegas uses chauffeured Teslas (can't even trust his own self-driving in a tunnel!) rather than the kinds of walk-on, roll-on-luggage cars an airport peoplemover uses.I've had a couple of days to marinate on this. So here is my two cents. Elon is a technology guy. He has broad interests beyond cars, rockets, and boring tunnels. I think if anybody could help sell the idea of a Shinkansen to Trump, it's Elon at the moment. I think it would be wise for Train Daddy and a few other higher ups at Amtrak to start scheduling some so called three hour lunches with Elon and and the FRA to explain the possibilities. Initial meetings don't need to have every stake holder with an opinion present either. After spending a few weeks in thet beltway on non rail related stuff, I can assure you they are not interested in the noise of someone's romantic longing for the food and beverage options they had on trains in 1962. I don't think Amtrak is screwed for the next 4 years or beyond, it's just the salesmanship in justifying it's existence is going to have to be approached differently.