Amtrak long term service cancellations and restorations (2022-2023H1)

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Doing what you would suggest would be a violation of Amtraks new mandate. You’d be basically chopping service for several stations down to tri weekly to make connections more convenient for long haul passengers - essentially prioritizing revenue and what’s best for the highest paying customers over providing service to the stops that would get axed.
Indeed, this is done this way this time to address a major complaint about gratuitously dropping daily service to Tampa, Columbia and Raleigh which are used by many more in the area which is Atlantic Coast Service's primary service area, than there are people trying to make connections to New England.

The scheme used previously was not at all popular in the primary service area and there were numerous complaints filed about it.
Just received a notice from Amtrak that the scheduled trips that I spent 4 hours revising with 3 AGR agents yesterday have now been cancelled again. Southwest Chief from Chicago and Fort Madison Iowa. :mad:. What is going on? I have not checked the latest changes since yesterday because I need to mellow out. I have 14 people who have worked to get a nice railfanning trip since January and after all this mess, I believe we will just cancel and they can refund the $$$$$$, that we paid. So sorry that our beloved Amtrak is falling apart.

Just checked my Amtrak Ap and they are still taking reservations for the trains that they said were cancelled. Same days, same trains. Something is really messed up.
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Indeed, this is done this way this time to address a major complaint about gratuitously dropping daily service to Tampa, Columbia and Raleigh which are used by many more in the area which is Atlantic Coast Service's primary service area, than there are people trying to make connections to New England.
You are probably right, but it's not just travel to New England. There is no same-day connection to CHI at either WAS or NYP, so there is no travel from the Southeast to anyplace west without a night in a hotel in Washington or NYC (plus the higher cost of 2 separate trips over a thru ticket.)
Just received a phone call and email saying SW Chief from Chicago to Fullerton on April 30 is canceled. Called AGR and they said no - the train is NOT canceled and it is still bookable as well. What a mess.
You are probably right, but it's not just travel to New England. There is no same-day connection to CHI at either WAS or NYP, so there is no travel from the Southeast to anyplace west without a night in a hotel in Washington or NYC (plus the higher cost of 2 separate trips over a thru ticket.)
Yes. Can't satisfy everyone. That is a given. The choices being made are not terribly surprising given Amtrak's noticeable preference for serving corridors over long haul connections these days.
I called at 1pm to AGR Select and agent there is no problem with my SWC bookings on April 22-23.
At 1:30 I get two voice messages from Amtrak saying the two trips were cancelled. What is happening?
I will try to call AGR again, but something is happening to Amtrak's system. The website is still not working. Only the AP
Talked with an AGR agent. Our reservation is still valid.

It sounds like when they dropped to 5 day a week trips somebody goofed and entered in either the wrong dates of the schedule change or their notification system doesn't realize that Saturday isn't Monday or Tuesday. The agent said he's had about a dozen people call today asking the same thing. He was extremely helpful, although sounded kind of annoyed, lol.
Talked with an AGR agent. Our reservation is still valid.

It sounds like when they dropped to 5 day a week trips somebody goofed and entered in either the wrong dates of the schedule change or their notification system doesn't realize that Saturday isn't Monday or Tuesday. The agent said he's had about a dozen people call today asking the same thing. He was extremely helpful, although sounded kind of annoyed, lol.

Thanks! I have spoken to two agents - one helpful -one not so much - I have been told that the email and phone call I received were wrong and that my reservation was valid too and, "the left hand and the right hand ...well, you know".
Just received email from Amtrak that my reservations on LSL & SWC for April were all cancelled. 3 day a week train limits and train cancels extended😔

most of the 7 day a week routes are running 5 days a week.

the routes that have always been 3 days a week (Cardinal, Sunset Limited) remain 3 days a week.
I called at 1pm to AGR Select and agent there is no problem with my SWC bookings on April 22-23.
At 1:30 I get two voice messages from Amtrak saying the two trips were cancelled. What is happening?
I will try to call AGR again, but something is happening to Amtrak's system. The website is still not working. Only the AP

there has been a bug calling ALL riders on SWC saying their train is canceled. Only the ones leaving LA/CHI on Monday Tuesdays are canceled.
I called at 1pm to AGR Select and agent there is no problem with my SWC bookings on April 22-23.
At 1:30 I get two voice messages from Amtrak saying the two trips were cancelled. What is happening?
I will try to call AGR again, but something is happening to Amtrak's system. The website is still not working. Only the AP

I would probably wait until tomorrow (or even Monday) if you're planning on cancelling if the train isn't running. Hopefully Amtrak will have the bugs fixed by then and they'll have the correct trains listed as currently suspended/cancelled.
Just got a call that my Zephyr trip on Sunday, May 22 was cancelled. I have been on hold for over 20 minutes waiting to reschedule. Going to be a hassle rescheduling all the flights for this trip. I had no idea what was going on until I came here and saw an article saying they are going to 5 day a week schedule. Fingers crossed I can get maybe that next Monday. Hopefully they honor the price I paid weeks ago if the price has changed.
Just got off the phone with Amtrak. They verified that the notifications for the SWC were in error. No reservations were cancelled. Apologized for the emails and voicemails. Their phones have been ringing off the hook today due to the computer errors. Whew@@
Good idea to verify your reservations just for peace of mind, but all is well for now..
Just got off the phone with Amtrak. They verified that the notifications for the SWC were in error. No reservations were cancelled. Apologized for the emails and voicemails. Their phones have been ringing off the hook today due to the computer errors. Whew@@
Good idea to verify your reservations just for peace of mind, but all is well for now..
These sorts of errors are usually not made unilaterally by Computers. They are made by humans who then try to hide behind Computers to deflect attention from their errors. 🤷‍♂️
Sleeper cancelled in middle of west coast trip: Recently embarked on a trip from Michigan to San Jose, CA, with return via Portland and Empire Build. All LD legs involved a bedroom. While in CA, received a test message informing that the Builder bedroom from Portland to Chi. was not going to be available because the sleeper car from Portland to Chi was not going to be in the consist. The solution imposed on me was that I would be accommodated be a coach seat. This was not good news and I contemplated various alternatives. After cooling off and consulting with various Amtrak employees without effect (mostly conductors and attempts to call "headquarters") I said "What the hay" and went ahead with the coach solution, telling myself this would be my only long-distance train trip ever in coach. After sitting in San Jose's station for quite a long time waiting for the Coast Starlight to go to Portland (it was on time--I was just very early), an agent summoned me and asked if I had any problems whereupon I summed up my sad story. She said there must be something on the Portland train other than coach that I could get, and she quickly found the the "H" (handicap) room was open. She suspected that I would qualify given my cain and impeded walking (back surgery). The outcome was that this amazing Amtrak employee got me in a room that had some semblance to a bedroom, although I will not sans wheelchair ask for H. Perhaps one could say this cancellation had a fairly happy ending.
P.S. Amtrak's site indicated the Portland sleeper was struck due to lack of staff to run it.]=80655&hash=72230c6f072f2d5e9f2168e6b14aa276
The most frustrating part of this is that I have received no notification (email, text) from Amtrak of my cancellation. If I did not browse this site regularly, I never would have known, and rebooking to a different form of travel at the last minute would have been highly costly.
Or they’re short staffed
* not enough T&E qualified on the Meteor’s route?
* not enough mechanics to keep enough equipment running?
* not enough OBS?
* not enough cleaners?
Looking at employment posting have to believe the 1st 3 are a big item. Look at T&E. 5days a week may mean the only 2 crews will be needed and some locations just 1 set of crew. 5 days means each T&E can get a full 24+ hours off duty each week. There is the problem that not all Engineer and conductors have the same start locations for a specific train.

Suspect these questions apply system wide?

The mechanical trades are certainly a problem. Just look at CHI even before this mass resignation. It is time for the pols to require Amtrak to post actual shortages.

If a new assistant conductor is on a train does that person have to be route qualified or can his revenue trips be counted as qualification trips?
I just got an email stating my SW Chief trip on Friday May 20 was cancelled. I know their non travel dates are Monday and Tuesday. It's just past Midnight. I thought this would be resolved by now.
I just got an email stating my SW Chief trip on Friday May 20 was cancelled. I know their non travel dates are Monday and Tuesday. It's just past Midnight. I thought this would be resolved by now.

I just got an email and voice mail message stating my Tuesday April 5 trip from San Francisco to Chicago on the California Zephyr has been cancelled. But that’s a day the train is supposed to operate and the reservation site says space is still available that day. Something strange is going on here.
Just got the same for my CZ trip from SF to Denver on Tuesday April 12th. Hope this is a mixup.
Seems the CZ has been bitten by the same bug the SWC was bitten with. Lots of posts in FB.
A few people are thinking Amtrak got hacked. I doubt it.
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