"The Silver Meteor also serves these markets…"… Leave the Palmetto alone. There's no need to go whacking off pieces of its route. Actually, Savannah + Charleston work as a fairly large market. ......Loads on 89/90 are quite good, although like any train the SB empties out somewhat at the end of its run. ...
Or if it "empties out" near the end, shorten the route (of course then it requires state funding).
... In any case, from D.C. and Richmond thru the Carolinas, the Palmetto does very good business in small cities like Fayetteville and Florence.
Southbound Fayetteville's 31,000 and the 35,000 riders at Florence (Myrtle Beach) are served by the Meteor in the gloom of night at 1:22 a.m., 3:05 a.m., 11:12 p.m., and 12:37 a.m.
Southbound the Star serves Savannah at 4:13 a.m. and at 1:22 a.m. northbound.
"Methuselah lived 900 years.
The Meteor stops here 3 a.m.
Now who calls that service
when no gal will board it
if the train gonna leave 3 a.m.?"
Apologies to Cab Calloway and the Gershwins.
The Palmetto is doing fine as is. It ain't broke. No need to fix it.