There are reports today that the House and Senate leadership have agreed to extend the Transportation funding authorization at current FY2011 levels for 6 months and the FAA authorization by four months. The extension puts off the major fight over the overdue Transportation Re-authorization bill until next spring. Well, provided a majority of House members vote for the extension if the deal does not fall apart beforehand.
Not sure what exactly this means for Amtrak, but it
may mean that the immediate House defunding threat is postponed and Amtrak will continue to get funded at FY11 levels for capital and operational funds though March 31, 2012. The FY2011 capital funding level was $922 million, down from FY2010, and markedly less than Amtrak was seeking, but it at least enough to keep going. What happens to HSIPR funding in this, not a clue.
DC Streetsblog's report on the backroom agreement: