Anybody Done the PHL TRE Bridge?

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Has anybody done the PHL TTN bridge with SEPTA/NJT? I've gotta get to NYC Monday from Wilmington. How long is the west Trenton to Trenton bus ride? Are they meeting the inbound west Trenton trains with immediate bus departure, and is it a quick thing, or do they wait 15 mins for everybody to hit the restroom, etc? Also, are the NJT NEC trains from TTN departing strictly on time, or if there's a bus pulling in, will they hold the train?

I'm looking to arrive west Trenton 1000, and trying to get 1026 NJT from TTN.

Thanks for any reply.
One of our members used it in reverse today. NY to Philly. He said it went very smoothly and there were people at Trenton directing riders to the buses.

There's a thread here about it. I'll see if I can give you a link (I'm on my phone).
Here's what he posted:

"I am in Philadelphia now. I took the NJT Trenton Express to Trenton.
There were several people doing the same route. There were NJT & SEPTA
personnel at the station & signage to guide us to the shuttle bus.
The bus arrived in a few minutes and away we went to the West Trenton SEPTA
station. We were met by a SEPTA employee and 9 minutes later we were on
board the train. We detrained at 30th street station. It was a well organized and executed
transfer. "
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There is no rest room to hit at West Trenton and I believe SEPTA trains lack them. Trenton and West Trenton are about five miles apart by road, not connected by rail.
Thanks. I've done a bus bridge one time Everett to Seattle after a slide on BNSF, and it took 30+ minutes for the bus to finally leave the station while people did whatever it is people do. From the time the train door opened until 3/4 of the bus was full was 5 mins. It then took 25+ minutes to get the other 15 people on the bus and go.

I'm also wondering if that 5 mile drive is 7 minutes on decent roads, or 27 minutes stuck in traffic. Trying to be train to train in 25 mins, which I think is totally doable, but could also see it taking an hour plus.
Sorry, TTN/KTTN is the code for Trenton-Mercer County airport who I deal with from time to time. Forgot the station is coded differently.
Sorry, TTN/KTTN is the code for Trenton-Mercer County airport who I deal with from time to time. Forgot the station is coded differently.
No problem at all. I do the same with Pittsburgh (PIT/PGH) often. Just wanted to bring it to folks' attention in case they were getting confused.
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