AU Logo Topic

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Honored Member
Aug 22, 2002
Queens, New York
I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
I knew my cat-on-a-flatcar doodle was going to get us all in trouble.... :unsure:
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I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
I knew my cat-on-a-flatcar doodle was going to get us all in trouble.... :unsure:
Glad I saved a copy when I did! (Hope you don't mind my little copyright vio in doing so... :p )
I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
Well then I guess I would like to make clear at this moment the following. All four (4) of my submissions were orginal work created soley by me. I did not use any copyrighted material in any submission. All photos were taking by me. The Fez cropped in over my Chinchilla's Head came from Wikipedia and was under a Creative Commons. Giving me the right to reproduce it in the photograph.

So yeah, I might have had the most entries but they were all within the legal limits with no copyrights being infringed.
also all pictures of the steam engines are mine also. i took those pics so theres nothing wrong. how do we make a logo about this forum without using amtrak. sense thats part of the forum URL. so do we put if it has nothing to do with amtrak then what does the logo have to do with the forum sense the forum IS about amtrak. its make no sense. or in other words. how do you make a logo about a forum thats talks about amtrak without using amtrak or using amtrak in the forums URL.
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My submission as well has no copyright infringements of any kind. I took the picture I used and even removed the Amtrak Font and replaced it with my own.
And my last submission had all Amtrak logos and lettering removed also. Only reference was the word Amtrak in "Amtrak Unlimited". If we can't even use that... might as well rename the forum Foamers Unlimited.
I don't think that Alan is implying that any of the submissions are over the line - the question is where the line needs to be drawn. Obviously, using Amtrak's registered logo is out, obviously something user created with no mention of Amtrak is. But, it makes sense to hold off until the powers that be decide where the line needs to be in the middle.
Guys, guys, guys (or at least KISS_ALIVE)! I'm pretty sure Whooz was being a bit facetious with his rule that the word Amtrak must not be used at all. You people take things too seriously!

But let's wait until Alan, Eric, Tom, Anthony, etc. figure out--like HokieNav said--where the line should be drawn, since it's their rears on the line if a copyright infringement claim is filed against the board. They'll be back soon enough with some official rules and regulations!
I don't think that Alan is implying that any of the submissions are over the line - the question is where the line needs to be drawn. Obviously, using Amtrak's registered logo is out, obviously something user created with no mention of Amtrak is. But, it makes sense to hold off until the powers that be decide where the line needs to be in the middle.
Mahalo for seeing this HokieNav.

When I first saw the contest Idea, I had some concerns as you mention. The entries were set aside so the discussion about what was/is appropriate could take place with all concerned in various time zones. I have learned of some additional concerns not yet public that must stay private until the limits are decided. One submission sad the did not keep their copy, what is here is safe while the parties message back and forth until a consensus is reached.

So please all be patient, cool thinking will prevail. Also remember the contest rules were being drafted even as some submitted entries.
Amtrak has a very legitimate concern, as indeed any trademark holder and copyright holder that actually uses those things for marketing and business identity. If you allow them to be used in an uncontrolled fashion, they can lose their usefulness, and they can create a "fuzzyness" in your corporate image, and you can even lose the right to the trademark as a trademark. There is also the concern that by allowing someone to use your trademark and copyright material, there is an inference that the entity using those materials is doing so as your agent, and is therefore speaking for you or at least with your permission and approval, and certainly that is NOT the case here. We have no connection whatever with Amtrak, and nothing that we say here has their prior approval (if they would approve of a particular post at all), and our frequent use of their trademarked logo(s) might therefore tend to mislead readers of this Board who didn't know any better. So Amtrak's concern in the matter would not be simply technical or academic. This is truly NOT a trivial matter, however much we might wish it to be so.

I hope this adds some light to what so far seems to have been mostly generating heat.

AmtrakWPK (Joe)

Moderating Team
Good Post Joe

I've been reading the stuff associated with the AU logo (can I use the letter "A" since it stands for that word )

It all sounds so silly but your post puts the issues in a different light.

So, how do other company-specific fan sites handle this? I mean, I haven't searched, but there has to be operations similar to ours--say, Boeing Boys, United Users (aka Untied Losers), or even boards for fans of a particular sports organization.

Maybe looking at some outside examples can give us some ideas of whats permissible and not.

Of course, we could always go to Amtrak itself and ask for permission to use their trademark, since we are basically a pro-Amtrak fan site...
Of course, we could always go to Amtrak itself and ask for permission to use their trademark, since we are basically a pro-Amtrak fan site...
Maybe not the best plan. I'm not sure about trademarks, but with copyright there is certainly the issue that if you know someone is infringing and make no effort to stop them, that can cause you to lose some of your rights with respect to the copyright.
I don't think it's quite as complicated as is feared. As I understand the law, their logo and even the Amtrak font can be trademarked and should be removed from all non-official items. However, images of their trains(with the offending trademarked material removed or airbrushed out) are completely fine to use.
Please note that the idea for the logo/t-shirt contest was never proposed to me or Alan before the topic was created and contest entries solicited. If we had been asked before the idea was publicized, we would have asked that it be put on hold pending a review. It's unfortunate that we had to temporarily pull it after several people had submitted their ideas. This might be a good chance to reiterate that while we very much appreciate everyone's enthusiasm, at the end of the day, I'm responsible for the site and any legal issues that are presented. It would be great if in the future, efforts to represent the site in any capacity could be cleared with me or Alan first. Please keep in mind that we aren't against the contest at all - we just want to make sure that it is done properly with respect to legal concerns. I'm sorry if it seems like we are being overly cautious, but it's only because I'm trying to protect the site from any adverse action that could interfere with everyone's ability to benefit from and enjoy the forum.

We have authorization from Amtrak to use their name in our domain name ( and elsewhere on the site, actually for many years now, but any new use of it has to be reviewed before it is published. There's a reason why Amtrak doesn't have an official, open forum like this on their own Web site -- it's too much of a liability. As an unofficial site, we have a wider latitude of free speech and discretion, but we are not immune to Amtrak's right to exercise control over its logo and trademarks, including the "Amtrak" part of "Amtrak Unlimited." If someone at Amtrak were to see a shirt from our site with the Amtrak name or logo, and if they felt it posed a problem for them, I would be the first one to get a call about it. As the owner of the site, I would be subject to whatever penalty they might choose to assess.

Thanks for understanding, and for continuing to participate in our unique community. We will reply soon after we receive an opinion as to whether it's all right for our site to make unofficial t-shirts using Amtrak's name. :)
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Thanks for the clarity, Anthony.

Meanwhile, while we're waiting, can we fool around a little...

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