I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
I knew my cat-on-a-flatcar doodle was going to get us all in trouble.... :unsure:I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
Glad I saved a copy when I did! (Hope you don't mind my little copyright vio in doing so...I knew my cat-on-a-flatcar doodle was going to get us all in trouble.... :unsure:I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
Well then I guess I would like to make clear at this moment the following. All four (4) of my submissions were orginal work created soley by me. I did not use any copyrighted material in any submission. All photos were taking by me. The Fez cropped in over my Chinchilla's Head came from Wikipedia and was under a Creative Commons. Giving me the right to reproduce it in the photograph.I've temporarily removed the topic on logos while the staff debates the repercussions of possible copyright violations.
Mahalo for seeing this HokieNav.I don't think that Alan is implying that any of the submissions are over the line - the question is where the line needs to be drawn. Obviously, using Amtrak's registered logo is out, obviously something user created with no mention of Amtrak is. But, it makes sense to hold off until the powers that be decide where the line needs to be in the middle.
Maybe not the best plan. I'm not sure about trademarks, but with copyright there is certainly the issue that if you know someone is infringing and make no effort to stop them, that can cause you to lose some of your rights with respect to the copyright.Of course, we could always go to Amtrak itself and ask for permission to use their trademark, since we are basically a pro-Amtrak fan site...
Be looking in INS records for France's extradition request of Anthony...Oh no! SNCF might come knocking!!! :lol: