These cars started life as Superliner I diners. They were sent to Sanford, where the local Sanford shop rebuilt them into lounges specifically for the Auto Train. The Company didn't have enough Sightseers to equip the Auto Train, and the less-than-scenic route didn't require the ceiling windows of a Sightseer. Since the lion's share of Auto Train's passengers tend to be Senior Citizens, it was decided that the service area should be upstairs. The cars were intended to operate adjacent to the diners, and the Auto Train serves massive numbers of passengers for dinner, so one end of the upper level was set up to be used as a supplementary dining area. Smoking was permitted in one special, separate area on the lower level. This area was enclosed with a glass door, and had a "smoke-eater", which didn't always work as well as advertised (It's the thought that counts, I guess). Smoking ended a few years ago. The rest of the lower level was non-smoking, and included a small restroom. Since the cars were converted from diners, there were food service elevators (AKA Dumbwaiters). One of these was retained to facilitate moving stock to the upper level. Most Auto Train employees preferred these cars over the Sightseers, although there were always a few who disagreed. Sightseers were pretty; these were tailored for the needs of the Auto Train, and I have always thought they were more practical. These cars are still being used on the Auto Train, and it is hoped that this car will be returned to that service.