Bedroom with 3 adults = 3 meals?

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I emailed Amtrak and here was the reply:

Dear XXX,

Thank you for contacting us.

The recommend capacity is 2 Adults for a bedroom. Meals will only be included for 2 people. Most sleeping car rooms are designed to comfortably accommodate two averaged-sized adults, one in each berth.

We hope this information is helpful.



Amtrak Customer Service
I emailed Amtrak and here was the reply:
Dear XXX,

Thank you for contacting us.

The recommend capacity is 2 Adults for a bedroom. Meals will only be included for 2 people. Most sleeping car rooms are designed to comfortably accommodate two averaged-sized adults, one in each berth.

We hope this information is helpful.



Amtrak Customer Service

See what I mean? Even customer service personnel can't always keep up with the changing policies. Rest assured, three meals for the deluxe bedroom is even within the old standard for sleeper passenger meals. I'm confident that on-board, your sleeping car attendant and the dining car LSA should be up to date on the policy. If not, ask them to check their Service Standards manual, chapter 8-205 for the current standard. I can assure you that my charts above are accurate and current. With 27 years to retirement I must be optimistic that eventually we'll get our act together and all be on the same page.
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I emailed Amtrak and here was the reply:
Dear XXX,

Thank you for contacting us.

The recommend capacity is 2 Adults for a bedroom. Meals will only be included for 2 people. Most sleeping car rooms are designed to comfortably accommodate two averaged-sized adults, one in each berth.

We hope this information is helpful.



Amtrak Customer Service

See what I mean? Even customer service personnel can't always keep up with the changing policies. Rest assured, three meals for the deluxe bedroom is even within the old standard for sleeper passenger meals. I'm confident that on-board, your sleeping car attendant and the dining car LSA should be up to date on the policy. If not, ask them to check their Service Standards manual, chapter 8-205 for the current standard. I can assure you that my charts above are accurate and current. With 27 years to retirement I must be optimistic that eventually we'll get our act together and all be on the same page.
Thanks alot,gospel from a believable source,you are correct that Amtrak needs to get it together communication wise, when were wrong its because

we believe what they put out in the schedules/web sites etc. Hope the newbie is not too confused,I for one will remember this when I can

convince two other folks I can get along with in a bedroom to travel the USA with me! :D (of course to share the cost!!!!)
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Last year I rode on the California Zephyr and Southwest Cheif in a bedroom with my dad and my younger brother. All three of us got free meals in the dining car on both trips!
Guest, let's presume that it turns that out you have to pay for the 3rd meal, have it be your child's meal and order from the child's menu to minimuize the cost. Also, if you're an AGR member (join if your not) and have an AGR Chase CC, use it to pay and you'll get 1 point for each dollar spent through the CC usage and/or two points for making an onboard Amtrak purchase! Might as well make the best of it!

But most importantly, don't get upset onboard and make an issue of it. You'll be in a no win situation or worse. Just enjoy your trip and if you feel you were wronged, wait until your trip is over and then take the issue up with customer relations!
Guest . By all means follow this advise. Do not make this an issue on board.
But most importantly, don't get upset onboard and make an issue of it. You'll be in a no win situation or worse. Just enjoy your trip and if you feel you were wronged, wait until your trip is over and then take the issue up with customer relations!
Guest . By all means follow this advise. Do not make this an issue on board.
I disagree, based on the fact that that the Guest is in the right on this one. Be polite, but firm and have them check the references and give you the meals that you are due.
But most importantly, don't get upset onboard and make an issue of it. You'll be in a no win situation or worse. Just enjoy your trip and if you feel you were wronged, wait until your trip is over and then take the issue up with customer relations!
Guest . By all means follow this advise. Do not make this an issue on board.
I disagree, based on the fact that that the Guest is in the right on this one. Be polite, but firm and have them check the references and give you the meals that you are due.
As the person who made the above unidentified quoted statement, I don't think we really do disagree!

To the degree of action that you set in your "be polite" statement, I don't think that would raise the communication to the level of "getting upset and making an issue."

But, if after being polite and firm and the OP rightfully or wrongfully still received no satisfaction, persisting with the issue would IMO then rise to the level I was referring to and advising against!
I think that the disagreement comes from the waiting until after the trip to make it right with customer relations.

In the OP's shoes, knowing 100% that I'm correct (unless they can show me a newer copy of the Service Standards manual that indicates the policy has been changed), I wouldn't back down. I would never get impolite about it, but I certainly would insist that they check the book and then serve the meals that I'm entitled to.
I think that the disagreement comes from the waiting until after the trip to make it right with customer relations.
In the OP's shoes, knowing 100% that I'm correct (unless they can show me a newer copy of the Service Standards manual that indicates the policy has been changed), I wouldn't back down. I would never get impolite about it, but I certainly would insist that they check the book and then serve the meals that I'm entitled to.
I have to admit that when I was much younger (early 20's), I did encounter a pretty similar situation involving food and payment where I did react in a manner that would resemble how you state you would react. But as I said, I was younger then and now feel that I was wrong in the way I reacted. I should have reacted in a manner that would fit into what Flastaff stated in Henry IV... "The better part of valour is discretion"

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree!
What do you do if the server/LSA says "I know what the regs say, you are not correct. Please pay for the third dinner"?

I would pay maing sure to get a receipt and call Customer Relations. Does it matter that I suspect I am about sky's age? :)
Dear Guest;

Please do not put any Amtrak employees job at risk but trying to circumvent the rules and regs. There are Amtrak employees who ride as spotters and will report any deviation from Amtrak policy to HQ. This results in most cases an investigation where the employee can be assessed time off or dismissed outright. Try walking a mile in an LSA's shoes and wait upon your return and contact the proper channels (Customer Relations) before you have an unenjoyable trip over one kid's meal. Have a good trip and stay calm.
What do you do if the server/LSA says "I know what the regs say, you are not correct. Please pay for the third dinner"?
I would say "Well then lets get them out and you can show me!" If it's in the middle of the meal service, I'd pay, with the understanding that after the meal was over I'd be coming back to the diner to collect a refund.
The maximum capacity of the Bedroom is 3 people. From Amtrak's website:
Our Superliner Bedroom is ideal for two passengers (but can accommodate three).
Therefore the OP is entitled to three meals in the dining car.

The family room includes four meals, however two of them are kid's meals.
Well Alan the OP's response from Amtrak pretty much sums up what some of us suspect. The left and right hands are certainly not working in unison. I called down an LSA on the Crescent about three meals in the H room. I had my two grand-daughters and myself. I went back after dinner was served looking for an explanation and a possible refund. What did I get? "It's in the rule book." Customer Relations sent a $50 voucher for a $6 meal. Go figure...
Maybe I'm not seeing things right, but it looks like the berths are perpendicular to the direction of travel. That would mean that the upper and lower berths are the exact same length and the bottom bunk would just be a few inches wider. Seems like a couple could make do with the lower bunk. Also, it would be forward-thinking to let the chair fold down. That'd be neat.
What do you do if the server/LSA says "I know what the regs say, you are not correct. Please pay for the third dinner"?
I would pay maing sure to get a receipt and call Customer Relations. Does it matter that I suspect I am about sky's age? :)
Don't pay cash you will never see a refund. Use Amex then dispute it. Let them battle it out with amtrak.
I contacted Amtrak to see if they would send me a copy of the "08-205" section of the Service Manual (regarding sleeping room capacities), but they claim it does not even exist. Is there a way to actually get a copy of this section? Has anybody actually booked capacities higher than the limits enforced by the website (I think two adults and two children)?

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Dear David,

Thank you for your inquiry.

The current Service Standards Manual does not have a section 08-205, but the section on the Roomette does comply with the information on (see attachment).

As information, does give the capacity of the Roomette as two adults only - not two adults and two children, which would be for a family bedroom.

We hope this information is helpful to you.


Amtrak Customer Relations

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Hi, 1) Could you please fax me a copy of section 08-205 of the Service Standards manual, which describes the maximum capacities of sleeping car rooms? My fax number is 206-666-9588. 2) In some cases the reservation system will not accept a reservation which is consistent with the standard. E.g., 8-205 specifies that two adults and two (presumably small) children can be accommodated in a Superliner Roomette, but the online reservation system will not accept this reservation. How would I book this kind of reservation if it is not accepted by

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I emailed Amtrak and here was the reply:
Dear XXX,

Thank you for contacting us.

The recommend capacity is 2 Adults for a bedroom. Meals will only be included for 2 people. Most sleeping car rooms are designed to comfortably accommodate two averaged-sized adults, one in each berth.

We hope this information is helpful.



Amtrak Customer Service

See what I mean? Even customer service personnel can't always keep up with the changing policies. Rest assured, three meals for the deluxe bedroom is even within the old standard for sleeper passenger meals. I'm confident that on-board, your sleeping car attendant and the dining car LSA should be up to date on the policy. If not, ask them to check their Service Standards manual, chapter 8-205 for the current standard. I can assure you that my charts above are accurate and current. With 27 years to retirement I must be optimistic that eventually we'll get our act together and all be on the same page.
I contacted Amtrak to see if they would send me a copy of the "08-205" section of the Service Manual (regarding sleeping room capacities), but they claim it does not even exist. Is there a way to actually get a copy of this section? Has anybody actually booked capacities higher than the limits enforced by the website (I think two adults and two children)?
* * * * * * * * * *

Dear David,

Thank you for your inquiry.

The current Service Standards Manual does not have a section 08-205, but the section on the Roomette does comply with the information on (see attachment).

As information, does give the capacity of the Roomette as two adults only - not two adults and two children, which would be for a family bedroom.

We hope this information is helpful to you.


Amtrak Customer Relations

* * * * * * * * * *

Hi, 1) Could you please fax me a copy of section 08-205 of the Service Standards manual, which describes the maximum capacities of sleeping car rooms? My fax number is 206-666-9588. 2) In some cases the reservation system will not accept a reservation which is consistent with the standard. E.g., 8-205 specifies that two adults and two (presumably small) children can be accommodated in a Superliner Roomette, but the online reservation system will not accept this reservation. How would I book this kind of reservation if it is not accepted by

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Under no circumstances can you put two adults and two children into a roomette. The conversation you quoted was for a Bedroom, which is what Amtrak calls the larger of the two common types of rooms that Amtrak has. The smaller is called a roomette. Additionally on the Western trains and a few Eastern trains that do use the bi-level Superliner cars, there is a third type of room called the family room. That room, as noted by Amtrak in the above response, does permit two adults and two children. You may wish to visit this page to get a better feel for the type of rooms offered by Amtrak.

The Family room is the only room that you can book via with 2 adults and 2 children. If you wanted to get a Bedroom, formerly called the Deluxe Bedroom and not to be confused with having a "bedroom" meaning a place to sleep, you will have to call Amtrak. That cannot be booked online if you want to put more than 2 people into the room. A roomette can accomodate 2 adults and 1 child, but again that too cannot be booked online, you'll have to call Amtrak or visit an agent at a station to put that many people into roomette.
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To complicate matters further, there appears to be a policy discrepancy between Amtrak and AGR (Amtrak Guest Rewards -- administered by a Canada-based company!). No matter how much I tried, AGR would not let me book 3 adults into a bedroom, meals or no meals, claiming that their computer was set up to automatically reject such reservations. See this thread for more info:
To complicate matters further, there appears to be a policy discrepancy between Amtrak and AGR (Amtrak Guest Rewards -- administered by a Canada-based company!). No matter how much I tried, AGR would not let me book 3 adults into a bedroom, meals or no meals, claiming that their computer was set up to automatically reject such reservations. See this thread for more info:
Well since Amtrak is technically giving that room away for free, the normal rules applied when paying for the room don't have to apply.

Mind you I'm not sure if that is really the case here, or if AGR is just wrong. But it is a possibility that Amtrak decided not to allow 3 adults in one bedroom when on an award. And it would be within their rights to do so.
I want to know how you got them to let you have three in a bedroom? We asked about a week ago when I booked "just coach" because they told us we had to have to roommetes for three people. Now two years ago, they let us have the family bedroom (three people again). It is just too expensive to book two roommetes.

Tell me the secret. (smile)
I want to know how you got them to let you have three in a bedroom? We asked about a week ago when I booked "just coach" because they told us we had to have to roommetes for three people. Now two years ago, they let us have the family bedroom (three people again). It is just too expensive to book two roommetes.
Tell me the secret. (smile)
Just tell them you know the bedroom is a bit small for three people, but you don't have a problem with that (provided you are actually aware of how tight it is with 3 people). That's why you can't book it on the internet anymore, they were getting too many complaints. I've done 26 trips with 3 people in a bedroom. When booking, we tell them we've booked it dozens of times, and are very happy with it, and we've never had an agent give us trouble over it.
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