George K
Ah. that's interesting. I didn't realize that Viewliners are not "direction agnostic."
That only fixes the orientation of the car next to the Diner. The other Sleepers are free to be oriented whichever way. Indeed I have been on the second Sleeper oriented the other way on the LSL.Superliners can be placed either bedrooms first or roomettes first when the consists are put together at the terminus yards. One consist can have the 2 or 3 sleepers facing both directions (roomettes--bedrooms--bedrooms--roomettes--roomettes--bedrooms). This is because the vestibule/door is in the center of the cars.There was a post on another thread, quite a while ago, that said that you never really know which side of the train you'll be on because the cars can get turned in the yard. So a car that might have evens on the right on one trip gets turned end-for-end at some time in its journeys and the evens end up on the left.
Can anyone confirm?
The Viewliners have to have their cars oriented in a way to make sure there is a vestibule/door next to the diner since the diner does not have a vestibule/door for emergency exits.