You can send complaints ( via snail mail) to the CEOs office, Joe Boardman, and also to your Congress critter if you have one that will give you the time of day!( expect a form letter from most!)
About 4 years ago, I had a trip on NER #67 that turned out to be about 4-5 hours late due to a HHP-8 that died somewhere between Rt 128 and Providence. This was on a night with a temperature of about 12 degrees F, and the resolution involved us being rescued by the last northbound train of the evening, a return to BOS, where we sat on the hard seats in the closed station until they dragged the train back to Boston, found a new locomotive, and finally got us on the move at 1 or 2 AM (originally a 9:30 departure.) At least the WiFi in BOS was working even though the station was officially closed, so I was able to send an email to my boss that I would be late to work that day. Let me tell you I didn't get a normal night's sleep, that;s for sure -- It was light by the time we got to New Haven, and I wasn't going back to sleep, fancy business class seat or not.
So I wrote a letter to Mr, Boardman asking for some consideration for the inconvenience, but didn't hear anything back and forgot about it.
Then about a year later, I was on #30, the Capitol Limited eastbound, back when they were doing all that trackwork in Maryland, and you ran the risk of bustitution if the train didn't get into Cleveland by a certain time. Well, I hit the lottery on that one, and they stuck us on on a bus a Pittsburgh. The funny thing was, we actually arrived in WAS pretty close to the scheduled time, even though we left Pittsburgh about 3-4 hours later than we should have. (The 70 mph drive on the PA Turnpike in pouring rain was a bit more of a thrill ride than I signed up for, though.) However, I was in a sleeper, and my having to pay for a fast food breakfast at the Gateway Travel Plaza in Breezewood, not to mention the rather cramped bus seats, was not exactly first class service. So I went to Customer Service or whatever they call it in WAS and told them my tale of woe, and they gave me the magic phone number. When I called, them, not only did they offer to gve me a voucher for the pro-rated sleeper charge from Pittsburgh to Washington, they said, "we've been trying to reach you for months" about my letter to Mr. Boardman. They then offered my ANOTHER voucher for my inconvenience on NER 67. As I recall, it was for a larger amount than the partial sleeper refund on #30.Idon't remember now what I used the vouchers for.
On the other hand, in 2007, I had a real hell of a ride in #30, my all-time Amtrak delay, 10 hours late into WAS, due to weather conditions. I didn't even think of calling Customer Relations, I just enjoyed my extra lunch in Ohio, and the emergency ration beef stew as we were rolling over the Sand Patch Grade at dinner time. They even held up #66 in WAS so I could make my connection to BAL, I certainly felt the "evil eye" from all the other passengers as I looked for a seat on #66.

Now I wonder if I could have gotten a voucher.