The Indian Pacific and shortened Ghan may have been more fun some years ago when it was publicly owned, especially if you were a student. I flew from Christ Church, NZ to Sydney, on my birthday, and thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I had a bad February flu. Everyone was so nice to me. A New Zealand dental student, who had just returned from Oz, gave me his railways concessions card, which let me book first class sleepers at half price. When I got to Sydney, a fellow said I had to get a bushman's hat if I was going to the outback (he was wearing one), and took me to his favorite hat store. The hat still fits. Disaster almost struck, at the start on the IP, when a trainee was taking tickets. Not knowing what to look for, I thought he was bound to notice the name on the ticket did not match the name on the concessions card. Fortunately, his trainer stepped in and told him to compare the card numbers on the two – and confirm that they matched. That was a fun day of a fun trip.