Breakdown on 14 just past Klamath (6/5-6)

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Service Attendant
Oct 8, 2016
We are dead stopped with a problem with a private car. Scanner traffic says air brake problem. HEP shut off a couple times during repair. Oh well, here is the view

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Highway 97 is right up the hill and it will take you back to Klamath Falls. Lots of passing cars, maybe someone will stop. Its pretty remote, no place to eat. Union Pacific mainline and lots of trains come and go. Cool view!!!!
We seem to have a determined crew. They have fixed the issue. Rolling again.
Bet the private car owner is getting a nice bill.
$2.10/ mile adds up fast...
It's now $2.75/mile. Additional cars in the same move are $2.10 per car, per mile. If your private car move necessitates additional power, add $4.25 per locomotive mile. Further, "Each passenger in excess of 20 per car and each attendant in excess of two per car will be charged the one-way adult regular rail fare between points of travel. The only discount applicable is half-fare for children between the ages 2 through 12."

Then you have switching fees, servicing fees, parking fees, minimum charges, administrative fees, etc. Cha-ching! Just need 5-10 private cars on every Amtrak train and we'll be well on our way to profitability.
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