can people in the next room hear us, well, you know?

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Train Attendant
Jan 13, 2017
can people in the next room hear us, well, you know? :wub:

how thin are those walls on Amtrak?

staying at a Hyatt Place right now... the people in the next room

(which shares a connecting door to our room) were kind of loud

and we heard "everything" they did last night.... :( sound was

leaking from the connecting door....
Yes. Especially if she is loud. Play jungle fever by the chakakas. Think about listening to that half of the way across Iowa on the zephyr. That will be about how your neighbors will feel.
Gee, all I remember is the clang, clang, clang, and the chug, chug, chug, and the blast, blast, blast. They could be testing nuclear bombs in the next roomette, and I would never know.
Only if I have my hearing aids in and turned on.

Don't use the upstairs bathroom either.

Unless you don't mind people out in the hall the the TA-SC (in Roomette #1) to hear.
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*chants mantra* I will not make a ballgag joke, I will not make a ballgag joke, I will not make a ballgag joke...
The bedrooms with pocket doors between the rooms are particularly bad for privacy. Last summer I was on the Empire Builder, and the couple in the next room spent much of the ride bickering. I could hear it well enough that they might as well have been sitting in my room. That stuff got old real fast. As if that wasn't bad enough, each time one of them would use the "loo", when they were done they would tell the other one complete details of that particular activity and the results. Yikes! This happened over and over. The descriptive bathroom reports took the phrase "too much information" to a whole new level.
The bedrooms with pocket doors between the rooms are particularly bad for privacy. Last summer I was on the Empire Builder, and the couple in the next room spent much of the ride bickering. I could hear it well enough that they might as well have been sitting in my room. That stuff got old real fast. As if that wasn't bad enough, each time one of them would use the "loo", when they were done they would tell the other one complete details of that particular activity and the results. Yikes! This happened over and over. The descriptive bathroom reports took the phrase "too much information" to a whole new level.
boy, am I glad I ordered a box of 3M foam earplugs(200-pk) last month. putting some in my bag right now, just in case.
Don't meet with the Russians in a sleeper they will catch you :)

In all seriousness the rooms really have thin walls I can sometimes head neighbors snoring. And one time though.....
Just time any exclamations of pleasure for when you see a "W" sign next to the track. Nobody will notice. TOOT TOOOOOOOOOOOT!
I routinely travel in superliner bedrooms and can hear conversations between passengers, loud phone conversations, music, toilet flushing, etc. from the adjacent room. However, I have been fortunate not to experience the type of neighbors that PRR60 experienced.
The neighbors can hear almost everything above a whisper. So do not negotiate secret international treaties in your room. LOL :D
I like this euphemism, intentional or not.
When going over the Rockies, would this technically qualify for Mile High Club?
Having ridden in both roomettes and bedrooms, I feel that the roomettes are more quiet than the bedrooms. Those partitions between the D&E and B&C bedrooms are the least value of blocking conversational noise. It has been a long time since I really heard any conversation through my roomette walls. I am usually in roomette 003 with the SCA in roomette 001 who is usually very quiet. Only other roomette with the adjoining wall is 005 and fortunately have not been bothered much by conversation in that roomette. I sleep pretty soundly so once asleep I don't hear anything anyway.
All I will say is that if you keep noises to a minimum your neighbors should be none the wiser. I will say that this works for both Roomettes and Bedrooms. :)
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