Card Transition and Points

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Nov 16, 2010
So, the old AGR card is going away...which got me to thinking:
Let's say I book a (fully refundable) Amtrak ticket on the card prior to 09/30. I then cancel that ticket after 09/30 (say, for the sake of argument, after my September statement comes in...sometime later in October). Presumably the "new" card has no link to Amtrak, so how would the "reversed spend" work in terms of AGR points?[1]

Presumably it would still have the same number for a time...though if the number changed, then what? Would I need to go to a station and get cash back?

[1] For that matter, how would any refunded spend work here point-wise?
If the number changes and that causes the refund to reject Amtrak would probably issue you an evoucher. Everytime I've gotten my credit card compromised (which there for a while seemed to be a monthly experience), any pending refunds for my own legitimate charges have been no problem getting posted with the credit card number mismatch. Including one from Amtrak (nothing like a trip out of state with no electronic access to your money to really set you in a relaxing mood).

Rewards points are really at the mercy of Chase they probably have the wording in your contract with them such that they can more or less do whatever suits thier needs. Probably including debitting you for some "cost" of the points either against future rewards or as actual $$. For a large enough cancelation without an extenuating circumstance they may well invite you to pay your balance in full and end your relationship.
One thing is that, absent clarification on the BOA card/approval for said card coming quickly, I'm going to "dummy book" placeholders for my rest-of-year travel to make sure I at least get my card points.
When i had a credit due back to a credit that I had closed a few days before the credit emerged, the credit xard company simply mailed me a check for the money due bacj to me. So, if you cancel a trip and you no longer have the Chase card, wouldn't Chase just mail you a check? And since Amtrak knows that it applied double points to your account for purchasing that trip with the Chase card, would they not simply subtract those double points from your AGR account?