Changes to Capitol Limited/Texas Eagle

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It requires just one more consist to keep the two separate. Given that it is a four car consist, probably they can scrounge one together on the first misconnect day. And if the following day is a misconnect too then the previous days arriving consist can be used. This can continue until the borrowed cars are returned to the Chicago protect pool. So not uch is surprising there.
It requires just one more consist to keep the two separate. Given that it is a four car consist, probably they can scrounge one together on the first misconnect day. And if the following day is a misconnect too then the previous days arriving consist can be used. This can continue until the borrowed cars are returned to the Chicago protect pool. So not uch is surprising there.
Not surprising that it's doable, but perhaps surprising that Amtrak is doing it. ;)
Well, I guess that means that stuff about never having to worry about missing a connection to the Texas Eagle if you're riding the Capitol Limited isn't true. :)
Sometimes too much inside knowledge but not full inside knowledge can be a dangerous thing ;)
It just left it seems, 90 minutes late.
This is a Dangerous thread. 😵
Todays 29 arrived in Chicago at 12:40. 21 left on time at 11:55. I may have to rethink my same day 29 21 connection in August. 29 is usually an hour or more late. Lately its been up to four hours late. Would having 29 leave two hours earlier from DC help...or that cannot be done?
Couple of questions for the audience:

With the run through is there no longer a 322/321? I tried to look to book and can only book stl-chi on 22 or 21.

Has anyone taken the service through stl? Do they allow customer access to terminal now while it remains in station?
We boarded at Alton on 3/6/22 but didn't get off at STL, though I thought there was mention on AU re going into the station. I'd ask, but be sure can return easily regardless.
We boarded at Alton on 3/6/22 but didn't get off at STL, though I thought there was mention on AU re going into the station. I'd ask, but be sure can return easily regardless.
With the new schedule as of the 28th, the dwell time is different for the St. Louis stop.
I certainly hope they do this. With the 11:55 Chicago departure through passengers would not need to detrain to get lunch.

It’s interesting that even with the 3 hours in Chicago, the time WAS-STL is less than 26 hours. Amtrak’s National Ltd took about 24.

Also, I don’t know if the Capitol is running with 2 sleepers, but if it is why not have the second one continue to LA to save switching and servicing at Chicago of the CHI-LAX sleeper.
Lol - laying over in Chicago for lunch is the high point of the trip fo me
29 is always late into Chicago anywhere from an hour to several hours. I noticed 21 sometimes wait for 29,other times they don't. I have an August reservation on 29 to 21. Seeing they use the same trainset I figure I wouldn't have to worry missing my connection. I figured wrong.
"Today’s sad Texas Eagle is a sleeping car, diner-lounge car, and a couple of coaches pulled by a single locomotive. Hardly a financially successful or passenger-friendly consist for an inter-regional train."
"Stephen Gardner’s ongoing scandal commonly known as the Texas Eagle"
By J. Bruce Richardson, Corridor Rail Development Corporation; April 8, 2022
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"Today’s sad Texas Eagle is a sleeping car, diner-lounge car, and a couple of coaches pulled by a single locomotive. Hardly a financially successful or passenger-friendly consist for an inter-regional train."
By J. Bruce Richardson, Corridor Rail Development Corporation; April 8, 2022

Well, I hope it doesn’t have a leaky air conditioning compressor that leaks all of the Freon and renders the AC useless like we had on Tuesday. The temperature in Fort Worth was 80 degrees when the AC finally bit the dust. It got so bad in the sleeper that our attendant gabe us permission to sit in the cafe car for as long as we liked. He did finally resolve the problem about 11 PM and went to bed. Sometime after that, someone, likely another passenger actually did the extremely stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of in my 15 years of riding hundreds of trains. He or she opened the vestibule door to the outside and jammed the door open with the yellow step stool. The conductors and attendant were livid and for obviously good reason when they saw it in the morning. Not only was it foolishly dangerous, the floor in the hall from the stairs to room H was covered with a thick layer of pollen. I hope I never see a sight like that again! I don’t believe they figured out who did and although I have my guess, I didn’t want to make wild accusations with no substantial proof. Also, the timing of the AC failure was such that if it were to have failed on Tuesday rather than Wednesday the temperature at the DFW International Airport was a record high 94 degrees for April 5. Wednesday it was “only“ 80. Probably really no difference, hot is hot with no AC on a train.
So, I this indicates that there are more carriages (I prefer the European word, ha) back in service and maybe this means more sane fares. Not opimistic this will result in the return of the SSL on the CL and TE, however but first things first, I suppose.
My sources tell me that the SSL and Transdorm will NOT return to the Texas Eagle and so it will continue to be a 4 Car Orphan LD Train with High Bucket Charges for Sleepers since the Crew also occupies the downstairs rooms, and that Flex Meals will continue to be served to Sleeping Car Passengers in the CCC.🤬

Unsure about the Cap????
AFAICT until the decide to bring some SSLs out of mothball and/or fix a few damaged SSLs, no other trains will get an SSL.

My suspicion is that the Cap will get additional Sleeper/Transdorm restored later in the year. It will continue with CCC since afterall the CCC was invented for it (among others) :)
AFAICT until the decide to bring some SSLs out of mothball and/or fix a few damaged SSLs, no other trains will get an SSL.

My suspicion is that the Cap will get additional Sleeper/Transdorm restored later in the year. It will continue with CCC since afterall the CCC was invented for it (among others) :)
Any inside word on the return of Traditional Dinning in the CCC???
My sources tell me that the SSL and Transdorm will NOT return to the Texas Eagle and so it will continue to be a 4 Car Orphan LD Train with High Bucket Charges for Sleepers since the Crew also occupies the downstairs rooms, and that Flex Meals will continue to be served to Sleeping Car Passengers in the CCC.🤬

Unsure about the Cap????
It just doesn't make any sense why a trip of a 32 hour duration does not have a sightseer car...and traditional dining. Amtrak has said the SSL has been retired. Why? No excuse whatsoever no matter stuff Amtrak higher ups say.

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