In April, I checked my bag in Chicago through to Atlanta. I showed my ticket, which was on the Cardinal, connecting in CVS to the Crescent. I checked the baggage ticket in Chicago, and it said ATL (Atlanta). But this being my first time checking a bag on connecting trains, and being a little paranoid about it, I walked up to the baggage car in CVS and watched them unloading the bags to be sure it was there. It wasn’t. I asked the Amtrak guy in the car to double-check to be sure my bag wasn’t still in the car. It wasn’t.
Woe is me for the next 17 hours until I arrived in Atlanta, when my bag was offloaded from my train.
Turns out, because of the non-computerized baggage handling system referred to By Zephyr 17, my bag went on the Capital Limited, which left earlier from Chicago, and was transferred to my Crescent at, probably, WAS.
As I’m fond of saying, All’s well that end’s well. But I’m wondering why Amtrak hasn’t been able to computerize its baggage handling system.