We were on the Crescent #20 in late July and returned on #19 last week. (New Orleans >Alexandria and return).
Never had any problem seeing the info and stations on Amtrak's website.
Correct on Flexible Dining and NO dining car. A cafe car is used - half of it reserved for crew. During sleeper meal times (except breakfast) the cafe car is closed to coach passengers during sleeper meal times. We tried the cafe for breakfast which is one meal when the cafe is not closed to coach passengers. The table was filthy, I had to request the attendant clean it. As the car was not closed to coach passengers there was a lot of "traffic" walking back and forth while we were eating. Further meals were consumed in our bedroom.
The single cafe car attendant has to do double duty - run the cafe and prepare meals for sleeper passengers although, the two SCAs helped out when they were there to retreive meals for their passengers.
The Sunset Limited, before and after our Crescent experience, was so much better.